How to use ChatGPT for your ads on resale sites?

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ChatGPT can be very useful to save time in a content writing task. Along with articles, social media posts and more, OpenAI’s artificial intelligence can also help you write your classified ads on resale sites and apps.

Vinted, leboncoin, Facebook Marketplace, eBay… The French are crazy about resale sites to get rid of products they no longer need, or to recover some cash on Christmas or birthday gifts they have received. But writing ads to describe and highlight each item you want to part with can quickly turn into a full-time job. In order to publish your classifieds more quickly, you can commission ChatGPT for their writing, but you still have to enter the right prompts to obtain the most relevant results. Here are some tips for giving ChatGPT the right instructions.

How to use ChatGPT for your ads on resale sites?

1. Indicate product status

ChatGPT knows a lot of things, but it cannot know the status of the product you want to sell. It is important to specify this information to him, because it is a crucial element during an online sale. Also, it saves the AI ​​from inventing a state. During our test, ChatGPT wrote an ad saying the product was “in excellent condition” when they had no idea.

ChatGPT online sales © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

2. Specify the price

If you don’t give ChatGPT the price of the product, ChatGPT will end the ad with something like, “I’m selling it for only [insérer le prix demandé] euros. You might as well give it the price from the start so that you don’t have to edit the text it generates afterwards. It is indeed easy to copy and paste and forget to personalize the content.

ChatGPT online sales © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

3. Give the exact model or reference

Be as specific as possible about the model, version, configuration and reference of the product so that ChatGPT produces text with the right characteristics to describe it. This is all the more important for electronic devices (TV, smartphone, tablet, PC, etc.) which come in many variants.

ChatGPT online sales © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

4. Come up with a catchy headline idea

To attract the attention of potential buyers, try to stand out with an original title for your ad. This must of course contain the title of the product for sale, but distinguish yourself from other sellers with a teaser. This can help generate more interest in your ad and prevent it from being drowned out among the tens, hundreds or thousands of others. Give the necessary details about your article to ChatGPT and ask them to suggest attractive titles.

ChatGPT online sales © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

5. Ask for photo suggestions

In addition to the title, the other element that can make the difference in highlighting your ad on the platforms is a good choice of photos. Whether it’s an item of clothing, a vehicle, an electronic device or a toy, the objective is to make buyers understand that the product is in good condition, that you have taken care of it, and to illustrate its function. Ask ChatGPT which photo would be best to accompany an online sale ad for your product. The conversational agent will offer you several examples and share tips for properly illustrating your ad, which can then stand out.

ChatGPT online sales © © ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

© ChatGPT / Alexandre Schmid for Clubic

ChatGPT is able to chew the work for you when you post sales ads on the internet. While you should always check the text he generated to make sure he didn’t write anything wrong, it still saves you valuable time. AI can also be used to generate headline and photo ideas that will give your ad an edge over others.


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