iOS 14.6: Do you suffer from a rapidly draining iPhone battery? (Poll)

iOS 14.6 is a minor iPhone update, but it still causes the necessary problems. Some iPhone batteries are draining much faster since the update. Do you also suffer from this? Let us know via the poll in this article!

iOS 14.6 poll: is your iPhone battery draining?

Last week, iOS 14.6 came out. The latest iPhone update is very modest in terms of new functions, but still causes the necessary problems. Several Apple users complain on social media about rapidly draining batteries. Even when the iPhone is barely used, the battery drains quickly.

Others, on the contrary, suffer from overheating. Because the iPhone battery is getting too hot, they get a message that it must first cool down. Then the battery drains much faster than before.

We are therefore curious: how do you like iOS 14.6? Does your iPhone battery drain much faster than before, or are you not bothered by anything? You can quickly and easily make your voice heard via the poll below.

Can’t see anything? Tap here to still cast your vote!

What are the solutions?

It is still unclear how widespread the iOS 14.6 problems are. Apple itself has not yet responded to the fuss that has arisen and there is therefore no official solution. You can of course try a few things to get rid of the problems.

For example, go to your iPhone’s Settings app and tap ‘Battery’. Here you can see which app is a large power consumer. You can then force that program to close.

iOS 14.6: Do you suffer from a rapidly draining iPhone battery?  (Poll)

Another possible solution is to turn on the Energy Saver mode. You can also find this option in the Battery window of the Settings app. The mode ensures that your iPhone takes extra care of the battery.

If nothing helps and your iPhone battery is draining in record time, it is best to contact Apple itself. There may be something seriously wrong with your phone. If the problems with iOS 14.6 are common, an update will probably follow soon to fix them.

This is new in iOS 14.6

iOS 14.5 was a massive mid-term iPhone update, but not its successor. The number of new functions in iOS 14.6 can be counted on one hand.

The update is especially good news for Apple Music subscribers. They can enjoy music in higher sound quality from “mid-June”. The bad news is that not everyone can enjoy this. You can read exactly how that works in the explanation article below.

Read more: Apple Music Lossless Audio FAQ: 8 Questions Answered

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