iOS 17.4 beta 3 is out: this brings the new version

Apple is working hard behind the scenes on iOS 17.4, and the third test version has now been released. What’s new in iOS 17.4 beta 3?

iOS 17.4 beta 3

Apple has released the third beta version of iOS 17.4, which includes important updates for users in the European Union. This move comes in response to new European regulations, which bring significant changes for iPhone users. The biggest changes took place in the previous beta, this time it mainly concerns minor bugs that have been fixed. Below we list the most important changes.

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In iOS 17.4, Apple made changes to the App Store commission structure. Additionally, users in the EU can now use third-party browsers and install apps from third-party App Stores. As a result, Apple’s App Store is no longer the only option for downloading applications. But this doesn’t mean you can simply install any app; Apple has set certain restrictions.

Sideloading in the EU

All apps in the third-party App Stores undergo a pre-check by Apple, a measure intended to protect users from malware and other unsafe applications. This procedure is also a requirement under European law, where Apple is responsible for maintaining a secure digital environment. For this reason, Apple continues to monitor the applications installed on your iPhone in the third beta version of iOS 17.4, even when sideloading from alternative App Stores.

iOS 17.4 beta 3 is out: this brings the new version

The advantage of this approach is that the risk of malicious apps is reduced. However, a disadvantage is that even with sideloading, the freedom to install apps on your iPhone remains limited. Therefore, the question is whether the European Union agrees with the changes that Apple implements in iOS 17.4. After all, this policy can disadvantage small developers by not offering them the same opportunities when publishing their apps.

More changes in iOS 17.4 beta 3

In addition to the updates already mentioned, Apple is also introducing a range of new emoji in the third beta version of iOS 17.4, including a head that shakes no and a head that nods yes. A significant amount of new emoji are being added to iOS 17.4, all of which have now been revealed. Find out what new images are coming to your iPhone with this update!

The third beta of iOS 17.4 is now available to anyone with a developer account with Apple. The official release of iOS 17.4 is just around the corner, as Apple must meet a deadline set by the European Union. This means that sideloading will be possible on your iPhone from March 6, 2024. So you will soon have the option to install apps outside the App Store, if you want.

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