iPhone Tips: Get the Most Out of Your iPhone 14 Pro’s Camera

Have you finally got your brand new iPhone 14 Pro (Max), and want to get the most out of the camera? Then quickly read our iPhone tips of this week!

iPhone tips for your iPhone 14 Pro camera

The iPhone 14 Pro has been in stores for a few weeks now, but due to the high demand, most did not receive it on day 1. Now that more and more people are finally getting the iPhone at home, we tell you in this week’s iPhone tips how to get the most out of the new camera. This is how you shoot the best photos and videos!

1. Enable 48 megapixels

iPhone 14 Pro 48

The iPhone 14 Pro has a brand new 48-megapixel main camera – that’s four times more pixels than before. But by default, these pixels are combined, so you still end up with a 12-megapixel image. That could be better, and here’s how:

  1. On your iPhone, go to ‘Settings>Camera>File Formats’ and turn on the switch at ‘ProRAW’.
  2. In the same menu, make sure the ProRAW resolution is set to ’48 MP’.
  3. Open the Camera app, and tap the newly appeared RAW button.
  4. Make sure you’ve selected the 1x lens, and shoot your first 48-megapixel photo!

Photos that you shoot in the 48-megapixel mode have a considerable size. This can be up to 100 megabytes per photo. So use the feature sparingly!

2. Use 2x mode

The new zoom level ‘2x’ is special: you only use the middle 12 megapixels of the main camera. So you zoom in a bit, as it were, while you retain all the advantages of the main camera – better stabilization, higher light sensitivity and a sharper lens. So if you want the sharpest zoom photos ever on an iPhone, you have to tap the ‘2’ in the Camera app!

3. Sharper Movie Mode

iPhone 14 Pro Movie Mode

Movie mode was introduced last year with the iPhone 13. This gives the background of your subject a blurred background, just like in Portrait mode. That looks very cinematic, and it works better than ever on the new iPhone 14 Pro thanks to a higher 4K resolution. This is how you set it up:

  1. Open the Camera app and tap Movie.
  2. You will see ‘HD – 30’ on the screen. Tap ‘HD’.
  3. It now says ‘4K – 30’. That means you can now shoot in 4K!

Optionally, you can also tap ’30’ to adjust the frame rate of your video. It can also be set to 24 on the iPhone 14 Pro, to make the whole effect even more cinematic.

4. Go wild with Action Mode

iPhone 14 Pro Action Mode

New in the iPhone 14 Pro is the Action Mode. This allows you to use the middle part of the ultra-wide angle lens to make a super stable movie. So you no longer have to take your gimbal or GoPro with you! In the Camera app, tap ‘Video’, and select the running man at the top. You are now filming in Action mode. Even with fast or bouncing movements, the image remains nicely stable, so go wild!

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