Aah, mon gars! That is the title of John Vanderaart’s weekly column on pcactive.nl. And here you can find his column from last week if you want to read it again or missed it.
There was a knock on the door in France. It was the spry 95-year-old from the hamlet a little further on; according to my wife a pocket-sized charmer, because he was three peats high. “Aah, mon gars!” or hello little boy to a spacious 60-year-old who was at least two heads taller. He had bought a new mouse and now his computer didn’t work anymore. Or me? In his junk shed annex man cave When it arrived, the batteries were in the wireless mouse, but (1) the USB stick still had to be inserted and (2) the switch still had to be turned on. On-position. “Aah, mon gars!” Yes, the little boy was good enough for that. He used the computer to sell loose goods on the French marketplace. The usual trinkets from long before the Second World War, you know the kind… “Aah, mon gars!” Was the little boy familiar with that, with the internet? Yes, quite well. And also with the French marketplace. After which I told him that I had been looking for 10 by 10 centimeter kitchen floor tiles for years. Never been able to find them! I was carried away by him even deeper into the man cave in. “Aah, mon gars!” With there for the little boy a basket of tiles that were soon to be sold on the internet. Tiles from long before the Second World War. No one still has them. Except for this little boy… “Aah, mon gars!”
You’d be in need of one. To find tiles from long before the Second World War…