June’s Best iOS Games: Trivia Royale and Four Other Games

On iPhoned we choose a new top game every month that stands out for us. We also have some game tips for you. These are the best iOS games of June 2020.

Best iOS Games June 2020

1. iPhone Game of the Month: Trivia Royale

The mobile game show HQ no longer exists, but now there is a very fun new quiz game available in the App Store. In Trivia Royale you compete against a thousand other players. Each round, two players are paired and the winner advances. Until one player remains.

The multiple choice questions are about everything. From popular culture to geography. From well-known brands to fashion. Quick reading and answering is important. Not only the correct answer, but also the time counts. Each round consists of five questions. If you get the same number of questions right, the player who was faster wins.


In addition to the large Trivia Royale jars, you can also play smaller games. These are divided into specific categories, such as tech, TV or the animal kingdom. You then play one round of five questions against another player. Afterwards you can do a rematch or find a new opponent.

By playing and winning you earn points, which you can spend to customize your avatar. The game offers a lot of options for that. Will you win Trivia Royale? Then you can wear a crown. Win multiple times for an even more beautiful crown.

Nice is that you can use the camera in your phone to make your avatar move. The digital representation of yourself then moves with your head, eyes and mouth.

June’s Best iOS Games: Trivia Royale and Four Other Games

2. Golf on Mars

Do you remember Desert Golfing? This extremely simple, but also incredibly good smartphone game let you hit endlessly from hole to hole. Now a sequel is available. Again with an endless amount of holes, but this time on Mars.

The goal is to get as far as possible with as few strokes as possible. Every time you hope to hit the ball in the hole in one go, but chances are you hit a little too hard or too soft, causing the ball to roll completely the wrong way and you’re even further from home. Still, the game is fun.

best ios games june 2020

3. Little Orpheus (Apple Arcade)

The Soviet Union wants to know if the Earth is hollow and if there is room for colonization. Therefore, Ivan Ivanovich is placed in a rocket (Little Orpheus) to take a look. They thought he was dead, but three years later he suddenly reappears with a special story.

In the game you follow that story about a prehistoric world full of dangers that you jump and clamber through. A nice adventure game that you should definitely try if you have Apple Arcade.

Little Orpheus - Launch Trailer |  Apple Arcade

4. Pokémon Café Mix

Can’t get enough of those fun Pokémon? Then you have to play Pokémon Café Mix. The critters here are cuter than ever. In this game, you have to serve coffee, tea and pastries to Pokémon. You do that through a match three mechanic, where you string together the heads of known Pokémon to make the right recipe. If you do that right, you build friendships with your visitors.

Mix it up with Pokémon Café Mix!

5. Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire combines card games and roguelikes for a delicious result. You collect cards and build a deck. By playing those cards, you fight enemies. Of course you often die, because Slay the Spire is and remains a roguelike. But every time you learn more and you get stronger. For example, you learn to combine cards correctly and you discover the weaknesses of each enemy.

Slay the Spire |  Roguelike Deckbuilder |  iOS Launch Trailer

More games

Isn’t this enough? We dive into the App Store every month to pick out five new games. Also check our list with the May’s best iOS games and 15 best Apple Arcade games. Also sign up for our newsletter to receive five new games in your mailbox next month. Or download the iPhoned app via the button below.

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