Kia Concept EV5: concrete harbinger EV5!

Sportage-sized electric SUV

Kia Concept EV5: concrete harbinger EV5!Kia Concept EV5Kia Concept EV5Kia Concept EV5Kia Concept EV5Kia Concept EV5Kia Concept EV5

Kia Concept EV5

Not even the specifications of the brand new Kia EV9 are known or Kia is already looking ahead to the next model of its EV family. This is the Kia Concept EV5, a study model that looks like a very concrete preview of a Sportage-sized electric SUV.

Earlier this month, Kia released the appearance of the EV9, Kia’s second model developed from an electric car base. The EV9 is a 5 meter long SUV with three rows of seats that is also coming to the Netherlands. The technical specifications of the Kia EV9 are not yet available, but that does not stop Kia from looking ahead to the next electric SUV: the EV5. The Kia EV5 promises to be a size smaller, but certainly no less brutal than the EV9.

The already mentioned Kia EV9 is the production version of the Concept EV9 that debuted in 2021 and which it looks like two drops of water. We therefore dare to say with certainty that the final Kia EV5 will very closely resemble its conceptual precursor. In any case, we see little that does not fit neatly with the design that the Kia EV9 introduced.

Kia Concept EV5

The Kia EV5 will be a good size smaller than the EV9.

Like the Kia EV9, the Kia Concept EV5 is drawn according to the Opposites United design language. The Concept EV5 is therefore also loaded with round shapes that are interspersed with strong folds and sharp corners. Just like the EV9, the Kia Concept EV5 is stubborn and in this case 21-inch light metal. At the front and rear of the study model we see a different interpretation of the lighting called Star Map that Kia gave to the production version of the Kia EV9. More similarities with the EV9? Certainly. Like that larger SUV, this concept car has a steeply sloping shoulder line and seats that can swivel. The EV9 – as a GT Line – will also be available with rotating seats, although you will only find them in the second row of seats. Just like the exterior, the interior of this Concept EV5 shows similarities with that of the EV9, although the interior of this show car – after all, it is a study model – is even more minimalist.

Kia Concept EV5

Just like in the EV9, you will find rotating seats in the EV5.

Kia has presented the Concept EV5 in China during what the brand calls its Kia Chinese EV Day. Kia confirms that a production version will hit the Chinese market later this year. Its name indicates that the Kia EV5 will be a step below the EV6 in China. Is the EV5 coming to Europe? Kia doesn’t say that, but we think so. In any case, Kia already indicates that the car will not stay in China. The brand says it will release information about plans for the international market in due course.


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