Mantra meditation: meditate with repetitive chants

Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Devanath

Mantra meditation is one of the most popular meditation techniques in the world and is mainly practiced in Buddhism, Hinduism and yoga, but also in Eastern Christianity.

“Protect the mind” – that means the word mantra, which is derived from the roots “manas” (spirit) and “tram” (protection). The term itself comes from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit, like most mantras. This meditation technique is often referred to as Japa meditation.

What is mantra meditation?

For followers of Buddhism, reciting mantras is part of everyday practice.
For followers of Buddhism, reciting mantras is part of everyday practice.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Devanath)

As with any form of meditation, mantra meditation draws attention to a specific object, in this case a mantra.

A mantra can be a syllable, a word or a whole phrase be. This is repeated over and over again in a whisper, speaking, singing or even in silence.

The aim of the practice is to create a focused and clear mind by directing the practitioner’s full attention to the mantra. Since the mind is occupied with the mantra in this way, there is no room for negative thoughts. Mantra meditation is to be understood as “protection for the mind”.

Unlike with forms of prayer, in mantra meditation there is often the sound of the mantra in the foreground. The vibration when speaking or singing creates a certain frequency that is said to have a positive influence on body and mind.

But also the importance of the repeated word or phrase is part of mantra meditation. In this way, a mantra works much like a positive affirmation (self-affirming phrase) that is recited repeatedly.

Popular mantras for meditation

Mantra meditation can also be done while singing to music, making it a particularly joyful practice.
Mantra meditation can also be done while singing to music, making it a particularly joyful practice.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Free-Photos)

A mantra can range from a simple syllable to a complex phrase, using any language. The most famous mantras use the ancient Indian language Sanskrit and are mainly used in Hinduism and Buddhism:

  • Probably the most famous mantra is that OM respectively AUMwhich is considered to be the original syllable of the universe. There are also numerous other monosyllabic mantras, so-called Bija mantras, such as “ram”, “lam” or “haum”.
  • Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu is a widespread mantra that is especially known among yogis in the West. It means something like: “May all beings be free and happy”.
  • Another globally known mantra is that Gayatri mantrawhich is significantly more extensive: oṃ bhūrbhuvaḥ svaḥ – tatsaviturvareṇyaṃ – bhargo devasya dhīmahi – dhiyo yo naḥ pracodayāt. It honors the divine light of the sun and is also a petition for spiritual enlightenment. You can listen to the Gayatri mantra, for example YouTube.
  • Om Mani Padme Hum is one of the most famous mantras of the Buddhist traditions. It refers to the compassion felt towards all living beings.

But you can too German or English terms use for mantra meditation by repeating it. For example, you can meditate on the terms “love” or “light”. The mantra “I am” or “I am” is often meditated on.

Of course you can too Affirmations choose that you want to specifically realize with mantra meditation. You can use statements such as “I am up to any challenge”, “I love the world and the world loves me” or “I am grateful for my health”.

Mantra Meditation: Practical Guide for Beginners: Inside

A comfortable meditation seat is suitable for mantra meditation.
A comfortable meditation seat is suitable for mantra meditation.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Pexels)

Reciting mantras is a beginner-friendly and easy form of meditation. The possible forms of mantra meditation are very diverse and variable. To get started, you can do the following method use:

  1. Take a sitting position where you can sit comfortably for a few minutes with your back straight.
  2. Place your hands loosely on your knees or in your lap.
  3. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in preparation.
  4. Now start saying your chosen mantra out loud. To start with, the syllable “OM” is a suitable mantra: Use all of your exhalation to lengthen the syllable.
  5. Inhale. With the next exhalation you repeat the mantra again.
  6. During meditation, focus on the sound of the mantra as well as the vibration that is being generated in your body.
  7. Repeat the same mantra over and over throughout the session until you have achieved a desired number of repetitions or time. Ten to 15 minutes is a suitable time to start.
  8. When you are finished, sit with your eyes closed for about 30 seconds and feel the effect of the meditation.

This is just one possible form of mantra meditation. We’ll give you further tips below.

More tips for mantra meditation

A mala is a prayer chain with 108 pearls.  With this you can count the repetitions of your mantra.
A mala is a prayer chain with 108 pearls. With this you can count the repetitions of your mantra.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / BhaktiCreative)
  • Do not see mantra meditation as a strictly regulated technique. Rather, this form of meditation gives you space, your personal variant to find.
  • So can you do a mantra too to sing instead of saying it, there is also talk of “chanting”. Especially with an accompanying musical instrument, mantra meditation can become a joyful practice that you can also do together with others.
  • You don’t have to be seated for mantra meditation. You can repeat your mantra while standing, walking, or during any physical activity. But especially for the beginning, a Meditation seatto avoid distractions.
  • Remember that you can use any syllable, word, or phrase as a mantra. If you don’t like any of the mentioned mantras, you can too find your own mantra or create. But make sure that you choose a mantra that has good energy for you.
  • Frequently the repetitions are used in mantra meditation counted in. This helps to focus the mind even more. You can also use a mala, a prayer chain, for this. This usually has 108 pearls, which stand for 108 repetitions of the mantra (see picture).
  • in the everyday life a mantra can be a useful companion. For example, you can repeat your mantra in stressful situations to calm your mind again.


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