Computer & Phone

3D printed from cellulose Natural instead of plastic: Researchers have developed a new process to create complex objects with a high cellulose content using 3D printers. Source: ETH Zurich

You can expect this from the OnePlus 8 Pro

The OnePlus 8 was announced last week, including a more expensive Pro version. What can we expect...

What do experts say about the corona app?

The European Union advocates a European tracking app, which should help start our lives after the corona...

Is the power supply secure?

The energy transition requires a huge renovation of the power grid. (Image: xijian / iStock) Green electricity is worthwhile - but it has its price....

Quantum bits are getting warmer

Entangled qubits (Image: Luca Petit / Qutech) The future belongs to quantum computers, it is said. So far, however, the quantum bits of existing systems...

Dell protects home workers from hackers with BIOS tool

Dell Technologies has released a special BIOS tool to better protect home workers from hacker attacks. According...

The best online archives for every niche

In the course of history, many archives have unfortunately been lost. Fortunately, there are now internet archives...

Fossil aviators: potential for technology

Flying giants needed sophisticated flight systems: artistic representation of the pterosaur Hatzegopteryx, which had a wingspan of over ten meters. (Image: Mark Witton) For millions...

Keep Windows 10 safe and up to date

If you work a lot with Windows 10, it is important that you keep the operating system...

Apple announces new iPhone SE 2020

The successor to the 2016 iPhone SE was announced today by Apple. The budget-friendly smartphone is given...

OnePlus 8 series presented: these are the OnePlus 8 and 8 Pro

Chinese manufacturer OnePlus unveiled the OnePlus 8 series on Tuesday during a live stream. The series consists...

Make a nice watercolor with Aquarella

You see something beautiful that gives you creative jitters? But you have left hands when it comes...

Slack gets a new design: you want to know this

Slack has started rolling out a brand new design. The new design focuses on two aspects: making...

Safe drone landing at sea Unmanned aerial vehicles should also provide an overview during marine operations. Take-offs and landings on ships in the rough sea are tricky. A system...

The best series to binge watch on Netflix

Now that we are all tied to our house, we can use some distraction from all the...

Create site without html knowledge with RocketCake

Create a site without html knowledge? Online editors to build websites are gaining ground, often because of...

Huawei without Google Play: don’t just download apps

It's no secret that Huawei is not currently allowed to do business with US companies. For Android...

iPhone SE 2: rumors and news

Rumors of a new Apple device are becoming increasingly persistent. Recently, more and more rumors have come...

Edge Chromium Extensions: Is Google Chrome Really Safer?

Extensions can be downloaded for both Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge Chromium. For Edge Chromium, for example,...

Buy Office: What you want to know about Microsoft 365

There are several ways to buy Office. The offer can be confusing, which is why Microsoft is...

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