NordPass Family: How to configure this family plan?

nordpass family

Configure the NordPass Family plan – Clubic advice

Although NordPass is a fairly new manager compared to other similar services, it has quickly found its place among the best password managers available today. Lacking a few features in its early days, this online service has improved and refined over time, benefiting from constant updates to incorporate the latest features, such as access keys. In addition, several offers are available to take advantage of the service, whether free or paid. The one that interests us today is aimed at families, constituting an economical way of offering a Premium account to several people.

This package, simply called “NordPass Family”, is very similar to the Premium offer, except that instead of being reserved for one person, it allows six members to create a Premium account. It includes all the advantages of NordPass: unlimited number of items, automatic synchronization between all devices, connection on an unlimited number of devices, analysis of passwords and leaks, and more. Family plans are quite advantageous: they allow you to save on the subscription price, being generally much cheaper than if each member took an individual Premium plan, and thus, each member of the family uses the same software, with the same protection, which improves everyone’s security and facilitates the secure sharing of identifiers within the same group.

NordPass, the best password managers

NordPass Overview

Released in 2019, NordPass has since evolved significantly. In addition to offering all the features expected of a password manager, such as applications available on all media, automatic synchronization and advanced security features, the service is always at the forefront of innovation, being among the first to add the latest news to its manager. We saw this in particular on access keys, where the possibility of recording, viewing and using them was quickly accessible on all NordPass applications. Despite its relative youth compared to certain password managers installed for many years, NordPass benefits from the experience accumulated by Nord Security. This company has significantly expanded its service offering and continues to improve.


Introducing NordPass – a secure password manager

NordPass’ free and paid offers

In addition to its free offer, NordPass offers several paid offers, divided into two categories: personal and professional.

The free tier for personal use allows a user to save an unlimited number of passwords, save their personal and credit card information for auto-filling on sites, generate unique passwords and take advantage of synchronization of its data across all NordPass applications.

However, the manager can only be used on one device at a time and it is also impossible to share its data with other users or take advantage of advanced security features like web and password scanning.

NordPass Family prices January 2024 © NordPass

NordPass – Family offer prices

The Premium offer, also reserved for a single person, includes all the features of the free offer and allows the user to stay connected to the service on all of their devices. You also gain the ability to share your data securely, web and password analysis, as well as the ability to attach files to items (up to 3 GB). The family plan offers the same advantages, except that it allows six people to create a Premium account.

Currently, the 1-year Premium subscription is priced at €1.99 per month and the 2-year subscription can be obtained for €1.49 per month. For the 1 year Family subscription, it will be necessary to pay €3.69 per month or €2.79 per month if you opt for the 2 year version.

But NordPass is not just reserved for individuals and offers several offers for businesses. The Teams plan is a pack of 10 users which has all the advantages of the offers for individuals, but adds the transfer of elements in the event of departure from the company, an activity log and the possibility of creating parameters at the same time. ‘company wide. It is offered at €1.99 per user per month for a 1-year commitment and increases to €1.79 user/month if you prefer to pay directly for 2 years. The Business plan, available from 5 users and up to 250, also contains a security dashboard and group management. You will need to be prepared to pay €3.99 user/month for a 1-year subscription and €3.59 user/month for 2 years. Finally, the Enterprise offer is reserved for businesses with significant needs and contains everything that NordPass can offer, with shared folders and SSO configurations among others. If it is displayed at the price of €5.99 user/month for 1 year or €5.40 user/month for 2 years, it is necessary to request a quote to benefit from it.

NordPass Business prices January 2024 © NordPass

NordPass – Prices for Business offers

How to take advantage of the NordPass Family offer?

Activate a NordPass account

Activating a NordPass account is simple. Simply choose one of the NordPass Family subscriptions (1 year or 2 years) and enter your email address. Please note that you must be careful about the email address you choose for this step. It will be considered as belonging to the account owner and you must therefore make sure you have easy access to it.

Finally, after paying, you will be able to activate the account on the following window. This action will open another window, which will contain links to download the applications, but above all, will give you access to a link to invite the people you want to add to the family account. If you wish to add new members later, while noting that a Family account cannot contain more than six members, the link can be easily found in your Nord account.

Subsequently, if you wish, you can add and remove users as you wish. The NordPass Family offer allows each person to create their own personal Premium account, which is only accessible by them. But you still have the possibility to share identifiers with your family and friends, thanks to the sharing functionality included with NordPass Premium. Simply select the data you want to share and select the correct option. NordPass will ask you to enter your contact’s email address (the one they use for their NordPass account) and will allow you to choose the rights you want to give them: full or limited.

Full access to shared items allows everyone who has access to them to view and edit them. Limited access allows this data to be used with the autofill system, but the people to whom it is shared cannot see, copy or modify it.

Ultimately, Family accounts differ little from Premium accounts. They are above all a way to obtain several Premium accounts for less.

Invite other members

NordPass Family member invitation © NordPass

NordPass – Join a family account © NordPass

To invite other members to your Family account, you must send them the invitation link provided by the service, accessible on your account or when subscribing to the Family account. All they have to do is click on it and NordPass will invite them to create a new account by entering their email address and to download the applications. They will thus be able to obtain their own Premium account and benefit from all the features offered by the manager.

If the NordPass Family account is quite advantageous, the manager is not the only one to offer it. If you would like more information about NordPass and its features compared to other available managers, we invite you to visit our articles which detail the differences and similarities between this manager and other popular services, such as Dashlane or Bitwarden.



  • mood

    Limited free version

  • database

    Unlimited storage

  • browse_activity

    Leak notification

  • lock

    XChaCha20 encryption


NordPass is a very good, no-frills password manager. It provides the service required of it: managing passwords and some sensitive data. This service is simple, effective and benefits from a more than adequate cybersecurity policy. However, it perhaps lacks ambition by not offering innovative features to stand out from the competition. For example, LastPass allows you to manage access codes and passwords for your applications installed on Windows while the Premium version of Dashlane includes a VPN.

Read the full review Try NordPass now!

NordPass benefits
  • Clear and efficient interface
  • Security Levels
  • Biometric authentication
  • Importing data
NordPass Disadvantages
  • Premium version a bit sparse
  • No stand-out features

Discover all our other content on NordPass:

  • NordPass vs Dashlane: Which is better in terms of security?

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