On holiday with Google Maps – 4 useful tips

If you are going on holiday by car this summer, Google Maps is probably your best friend. Chances are you could use some tips for the app to make your trip more enjoyable and easier.

1. Search for places of interest

For some, a holiday isn’t complete without a lot of shopping. In foreign shopping centers you probably do not know which stores to expect and where those stores are located. Fortunately, Google Maps can lend a hand.

Search the app for a large shopping center. In the overview menu you will find next to Updates and Reviews for the relevant location also the heading Interesting places. Then check the category that interests you, for example Shop or Food and drink. Google even indicates where to find ATMs or toilets. In the browser you will find the interesting places under telephone directory.

Are you not going on holiday by car, but by plane? Then this option also works. For example, search for Schiphol and you can easily search for interesting places.

Waiting at Schiphol? Immediately look for nice eateries or shops.

2. How busy is it?

When you’re on vacation, you probably don’t want crowded restaurants or shops. In the overview page of a location, you can scroll down a bit until you see Popular times sees. Here you have an immediate overview of the expected crowds at that location. This way you can plan your visit to a certain store a little later or earlier based on the expected crowds.

3. Instant booking or reservation

If you haven’t fully mapped out your vacation yet, Google Maps can help you too. In the app, search for the location you want to go (or where you are now) and tap below the search bar see nearby hotels. Have you found a hotel, you can go under the heading Availability see if there are still rooms available and how much money you have spent for an overnight stay.

You can search for restaurants in a similar way. At many restaurants you will find a button Reserve a table to see. You can then book a table directly within Maps on a day and time of your choice. You immediately see what options there are.

Maps helps you search for a hotel.

4. Using Maps Offline

If you do not expect to have a working internet connection everywhere while on holiday, you can download the route you want to drive in advance. This makes it possible to drive a route from A to B without an internet connection.

Enter an address and tap the three vertical dots in the overview menu at the top right. Here you see the option Download offline map. Select the area that should be available offline and you can then navigate through this region effortlessly.


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