Parking pressure is decreasing due to corona measures

Parking pressure is decreasing due to corona measures

As a result of the tightened corona measures, the number of parking transactions has decreased in the past week. This is reported by parking application Parkmobile.

Parkmobile is a parking app that has 2 million users in the Netherlands, so the data from the application provides an interesting insight into Dutch parking behaviour. Parkmobile reports that the number of parking transactions last week (week 46) decreased by 4.5 percent compared to the previous week.

A lower number of parking transactions was recorded, especially on weekdays. The decrease was 5.6 percent, while there were only 0.5 percent fewer parking transactions over the weekend. The decrease in the number of parking transactions made during the week is mainly related to the government’s advice to work from home whenever possible.

Compared to the same week last year, there were almost 18 percent more parking transactions in week 46. Last year around this time, a partial lockdown was in effect and the catering industry was closed. It is more striking that there were more parking transactions in week 46 than in the same week in 2019 when there were no corona measures. In Amsterdam, the number of parking transactions fell by 3.9 percent last week, less than the average of cities such as The Hague, Eindhoven and Rotterdam (4.8 percent).

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