Crossword puzzles
There is no shortage of crosswords on the internet. on puzzle city you will find these kind of puzzles, even dozens of different ones.
Those who think hard and like to associate freely on the basis of descriptions, can lose their egg in cryptograms. They are available at every level so that even beginners can get started. The largest Dutch-language website in this area is Jaspers Cryptograms Site. There are puzzles from daily and weekly newspapers and you can ask for help from other internet users.
In a few years, Sudokus have become very popular puzzles. is one of the places where you can find this puzzle online. The offer on sudokuweb is very extensive. There are enough puzzles here to keep you entertained for hours. There are normal puzzles to be found, but also various variants such as the Supersudoku. Of course there is sufficient explanation so that you know what to do. Also on are several puzzles.
jigsaw puzzles
If you like panoramic photos of different countries, you should take a look at the Lies Smith’s website. You will find hundreds of digital jigsaw puzzles of pictures from all over the world. By default, the puzzles are set to 100 pieces, but you can adjust this via the menu on the site.
If you have no problem with the English language, you can take a look at On this extensive site you can put puzzles, but also make your own puzzles from your photos and share them with others.
puzzle dictionaries
Anyone who regularly puzzles will find it useful every now and then to look something up in a puzzle dictionary. There are also plenty of those on the internet. Dictionary now is a professionally designed site where you can find words, anagrams, synonyms and the like. You can also fill in words with missing letters, after which the site will complete the correct puzzle word. Also offers something like this, only a lot less extensive.