Research: Half of the Dutch fear invasion of privacy by smart devices

Research: Half of the Dutch fear invasion of privacy by smart devices

Half of the Dutch are afraid that smart devices at home could invade their privacy, according to a study. It is striking that people in their thirties and sixties in particular are most concerned.

Privacy and smart home

Research among 1,035 Dutch people indicates that many people fear that smart devices in the house infringe on their privacy. That’s what 48 percent of those surveyed think. In addition, people in their thirties are remarkably more concerned about their privacy (56 percent) than people over sixty (40 percent), according to the report.

It is also in those same age groups that we find most users who completely renounce smart home devices. A third of people in their sixties and thirties also say they would rather not use smart devices. Among young people up to the age of thirty, this only applies to fifteen percent. Would you like to know more about the results of this research? Then view the article that our colleagues from AW Smart have written about this.

What do you think? Are you concerned about a privacy breach because of the smart home devices you use? Let us know in the comments.

Research: Half of the Dutch fear invasion of privacy by smart devices

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