Kaiber uses various sources such as texts, videos, photos and music and combines them with AI to create new videos.

Dennis Gandasoebrata


Naturally, a number of apps are also appearing in the field of AI. A good example of this is Kaiber. This app uses various resources such as texts, videos, photos and music and combines them with AI to create new videos. In the app you provide a clear description of the video you want to make. The better the description, the better the final video.

The app offers the option to choose different styles for the video. Music has also been considered: you can choose from your own music by uploading it. You can also use the music of artists offered through the platform. The videos come together in the section My videoswhere you can also see which videos are still being built by the AI ​​logic.

When it comes to animations, you can choose between different styles, including an animation in which the individual frames flow into each other, or a smooth animation without clear transitions.

The app is not free, as is often the case with apps that require AI computing power. There are several monthly rates, starting at 5 euros. The more expensive variants give access to 4K render quality and the ability to put together videos longer than one minute.

Product: Kaiber (https://kaiber.ai)

3 and half stars

Price: subscription form, from 5 euros
System requirements: Android (varies per version), iOS 15.0+
Language: English