Ringing flower oil: application and how you can do it yourself

Ringing flower oil: application and how you can do it yourself
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Silviarita

Ringing flower oil has a healing effect on skin injuries and eczema. Here you can find out everything about using the oil and how you can make it yourself.

Ringing flower oil is obtained from the flowers of the marigold, also called Calendula. The marigold is a traditional medicinal plant. The oil extract of the marigold is also said to have a number of healing properties.

In this article you will find out how you can produce marigold oil yourself. You also get the most important information about its health -related effect.

Effect of marigold oil

The marigold has the following health -promoting properties:

  • It has an anti -inflammatory effect.
  • It accelerates wound healing processes.
  • She can kill viruses and mushrooms.
  • It looks antimicrobial.

These healing properties can also be found in the marigold oil obtained from the flower. It is particularly suitable for the treatment of skin injuries and skin diseases. If you apply calendula oil to affected skin areas, it can help with the following complaints:

  • Skin and mucosal inflammation
  • Small (fire) wounds
  • Eczeme and rough, dry skin

Ringing flower oil: How to use it

You should only apply marigold oil to the moist skin with clean fingertips.
You should only apply marigold oil to the moist skin with clean fingertips. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / cm_dasilva)

Your skin is particularly well absorbed by marigold oil when it is well moistened. The best time for the application is therefore after showering when the skin is still slightly moist. Put one or two drops of the oil on the affected skin areas and carefully massage it.

Alternatively, you can moisten your fingertips with a little warm water, then put one or two drops of marigold oil on top and then rub the skin with the mixture that you want to maintain.

You can also massage the marigold oil directly into the affected skin areas.

How to manufacture marigold oil yourself

To produce marigold oil, you need flowers and a carrier oil.
To produce marigold oil, you need flowers and a carrier oil. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / XBQS42)

Ring flowers bloom from June to September. During this time you can harvest the flowers to produce ringflower oil yourself. For this you need:

  • a screw -out glass
  • 1 to 3 handful of marigold flowers
  • Cold -pressed olive oil, sunflower oil or jojoba oil
  • A brown (pharmacist) bottle

And this is how it works:

  1. First you should sterilize the screw glass. Cook it in hot water.
  2. Then put the marigold flowers in the glass and then fill it with the oil. All flowers should be covered with oil.
  3. Close the glass firmly with the lid and then leave it in a warm, dark place for about six weeks.
  4. Shake the mixture thoroughly every day.
  5. Finally, filter the finished marigold oil through a thin cloth into a brown bottle.

You should store the oil dark and cool. It can be kept for about a year.

Ringing flower oil: Good to know

You should only use marig flowers in organic quality for the marigold oil.
You should only use marig flowers in organic quality for the marigold oil. (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Araneel)

You should only use ingredients in organic quality to produce marigold oil. You can avoid chemical-synthetic pesticides in your oil and impair its healing effect.

Tip: Even if you want to buy marigold oil, you should pay attention to organic quality. Ringing flower oil in its pure, essential shape is obtained through a special alcohol extraction process and is therefore much more expensive than the flowers pickled in carrier oil. However, both oils are attributed to healing properties in naturopathy.

Read more on utopia.de:

  • Ringing blind tea: effect and application of the healing tea
  • Make marigold ointment yourself: recipe for your own calendula cream
  • Domestic medicinal plants: the strongest plants and their effect

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