Earth & Climate

Deep biosphere: hot limit explored

The deep-sea drilling ship Chikyu has extracted drill cores from the subsurface of the Nankai Trench off Japan. (Image: JAMSTEC) When does life get...

Bavaria’s groundwater has warmed up

One of the 35 measuring points at which the researchers recorded the temperatures of the groundwater. (Image: AG Applied Geology / University of...

“Toucan” of the dinosaur era discovered

Artist's impression of the primeval bird with the unusual beak. (Image: Mark Witton) A study shows that even between the dinosaurs, many different species...

Featured picture: A shining mineral

At first glance, this blue-purple glowing mineral seems almost unnatural. But it is not illuminated in blue by artificial light. It is...

Similar to the atmosphere of Venus

Artist's impression of the hot, dense and CO2-rich primordial atmosphere (left) and today's gas envelope on earth (right). (Image: Tobias Stierli / NCCR...

From fins to legs

How stable were the legs of the first shore leave? (Image: Davide Bonadonna) Around 390 million years ago, vertebrates first moved out of...

Typical Tyrannosaurus: growth spurts

Paleontologist Tom Cullen takes a sample from the thigh bone of T. rex "SUE". (Image: David Evans) How did the snarling robbers of the...

Featured picture: Greenland’s massive glacier mills

In this shot, the eye immediately falls on the deep hole in the middle of the Greenland ice. Masses of water seem to...

Microplastics on Mount Everest

The researchers' tents at an altitude of more than 8,000 meters on Mount Everest. (Image: Baker Perry / National Geographic, Human plastic waste...

Long-necked Dinosaurs: Careers in the Heat

Artist's impression of the early sauropod Bagualia alba. (Image: Jorge Gonzales) Brachiosaurus, Argentinosaurus and Co: The success story of the family of the largest...

Which fine dust is particularly harmful

The fine dust produced in metropolitan areas causes more oxidative stress in our cells. (Image: ArminStautBerlin / iStock) Certain types of particulate matter can...

Mercury: dead fish pollute the depths

The researchers have detected the anthropogenic mercury in representatives of the bizarre disk-bellied fish (Liparidae) from the Mariana Trench. (Image: Jeff Reid) Even the...

How bacteria release arsenic into groundwater

Incubation experiment: When methane is added to the sediment, bacteria release arsenic, recognizable by its brown color. (Image: Andreas Kappler) In many Southeast Asian...

Featured picture: Polar bear tracks in the arctic ice

At first glance, the snapshot of the week just shows some ice floes on the dark sea. But on closer inspection you can...

Five-eyed fossil illuminates arthropod evolution

This is what Kylinxia zhangi might have looked like while she was alive. (Image: D.-Y. Huang and H. Zeng) Arthropods such as spiders, insects...

Featured picture: Artificial retina: bright spot against eye diseases

The retina is the part of the eye that receives and organizes visual information. It contains millions of light-sensitive cells and nerves and...

Mammals: Social even in dinosaur times

Apparently primitive mammals lived in social groups even when the dinosaurs ruled the country. (Artist impression: Misaki Ouchida) From rodents to primates, many...

“Predatory algae” mastered the darkness

Electron micrographs of single-celled algae fossils. Flagella once came out of the holes, which among other things were used to hunt bacteria (red)....

Optimized over millions of years

Rhamphorhynchus - one of the 75 species of pterosaurs examined by the researchers. (Artist impression: Mark Witton) "Aviation" further development over 150 million years:...

Featured picture: Hunger Wasp in Amber

Amber opens up unique insights into the past: the plants, animals and other organisms enclosed in the fossil tree sap remain almost unchanged over...

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