
Acute loss of land vertebrates

The harlequin researcher (Atelopus varius) is one of the species on the abyss. (Image: Gerardo Ceballos) The sixth mass extinction is in full swing: all...

Masks: Can we still read faces?

The facial mask shows little of the facial expressions of the perception psychologist Claus-Christian Carbons. (Image: Otto Friedrich University Bamberg) They are supposed to prevent...

Featured picture: Blue beauty on eight legs

It is a real rarity: This metallic blue shimmering tarantula is sought after by exotic lovers because of its blue color, which is rare...

Mass deaths due to increased UV radiation

Malformations of spiked structures on the surface of fossil plant spores (right), researchers interpret as a sign of UV damage. (Image: John Marshall) What caused...

Pioneer in the fight against racism

Nikolai Miklucho-Maclay (left) and Ernst Haeckel (right) in the 1860s. (Photo: Hoßfeld Collection) He spoke against racism with scientific arguments as early as the 19th...

Color intensive struggle for survival

Some corals show a color effect in the context of coral bleaching. (Image: The Ocean Agency / XL Catlin Seaview Survey) On the trail of...

Bumblebee bites sprout flowers

Bumblebees apparently deliberately damage leaves to cause a reaction. (Hannier Pulido, De Moraes and Mescher Laboratories) If hungry bumblebees find no flowers, they take...

Science: same data – different results?

Brain imaging using functional resonance imaging. (Image: akesak / iStock) Science thrives on critical self-control - results and analyzes should be reproducible. Scientists have now...

Glacier decline reveals Viking mountain pass

Archaeological finds from the Lendbreen: Preserved cattle feed, stake and spider-rock. (Image: Glacier Archeology Program / J. Wildhagen) Mountain passes were of great importance thousands...

Insight into the code of the carnivores

Researchers have decoded the genome of the carnivorous plants Venus fly trap (left), sundew (center) and water trap (right). (Image: Dirk Becker / Sönke...

News from the oldest temple in the world

Aerial view of one of the circular structures on the Göbekli Tepe. (Image: Gil Haklay / AFTAU) Even hunters and gatherers were amazingly sophisticated architects,...

T. rex: endurance instead of speed

His long legs obviously gave T. rex endurance and efficiency. (Image: Julius Csotonyi, 2020) A fearsome giant with long legs - but they did not...

Shame: So you can deal with the feeling

Shame is known to all of us and is nevertheless an unpleasant topic for most. You can find out here why we should pay...

Covid-19: Deadly blood clots found

There is growing evidence that Covid-19 promotes the formation of life-threatening blood clots. (Image: Robocop / iStock) Cause of death of pulmonary embolism: Coronavirus infection...

The ambassador

Photo: private Member of the youth delegation for Germany at the UN Nature Conservation Conference. Ambassador for the UN Decade of Biodiversity. These are impressive...

Prehistoric anchovies with fangs

Prehistoric anchovy Monosmilus chureloides in the mouth of a whale (Image: Joschua Knüppe) Evolution has not only produced land predators with giant teeth like the...

Mouthguards from Armedangels & Co .: Recommended models and what they bring

What is the use of buying a mouthguard? What material should it be made of? What do I have to consider when wearing? We...

Working with friends also relaxes monkeys

Close friends: two Javanese monkeys. (Image: Animal Ecology / Universiteit Utrecht) Working stress is often easier to endure than being alone - monkeys can also...

Frankincense: How the Holy Remedy Works

A substance made from incense resin can obviously reprogram an inflammatory enzyme (Image: Jan-Peter Kasper) Incense has been literally sacred for millennia. As can now...

Oldest finds of Homo sapiens in Europe

Excavations in the Bacho-Kiro cave in Bulgaria. (Image: Tsenka Tsanova, CC-BY-SA 2.0) When did the first representatives of Homo sapiens reach Europe? Finds from a...

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