
Workout at home: ideas for sport in your own four walls

With a workout at home, you can keep fit easily and cheaply without leaving your own four walls. We show you four fitness workouts...

Headache around the universe

Man looks in wonder and curiosity into the cosmos. (Image: solarseven / iStock) Dark energy, the big bang, the expansion of the universe ... Cosmologists...

Feathered Raptor of the End Times discovered

Artist's impression of Dineobellator. (Photo: Sergey Krasovskiy) It had feathers, an iron grip and a flexible tail for balance in chases: fossil hunters discovered a...

Make your own disinfectant: recipe for spray and gel

You can make disinfectants yourself from a few ingredients. Whether spray or gel - we will show you how to do it and what...

Too much salt could weaken the immune system

The body needs salt - but too much of it is unhealthy. (Image: Detry26 / istock) Excessive salt consumption can be detrimental to health -...

Neanderthals: coastal fare instead of mammoth roast

View of the three entrances to the Figueira Brava cave in Portugal. (Image: João Zilhão) They hunted mammoths and co in the ice age steppes...

Wu-Wei: The Chinese principle simply explained

Wu-Wei is an old principle from Taoism that wants to free people from cramped value systems. We explain how Wu-Wei came about and how...

Keep your distance: Why social distance helps

Keeping a distance is one of the main strategies against the corona virus. Difficult for a society based on social values ​​and customs. You...

Tree resin: use and how you can collect it

Tree resin is a tried and tested remedy for tree and people. In this article you will learn how to use the resin and...

Corona challenges in social networks: please stop it

Many people are currently staying at home to stop or at least slow the spread of the coronavirus. Others lick objects in public places....

No panic! How to stay calm now despite Corona and Quarantine

The corona virus unsettles and worries many people - understandably. But by worrying too much, you burden yourself and can even harm your health....

11 tips from experts: How to stay healthy – physically and mentally – during corona isolation

Staying at home helps stop the spread of the coronavirus. However, health can suffer from isolation. To prevent this from happening, you should consider...

Arctic deep sea is “repository” for microplastics

A filter system for sampling in the Arctic Framstrasse is launched. (Photo: Alfred Wegener Institute / Melanie Bergmann) Microplastics have long been found in all...

When the North Atlantic pump stutters

The North Atlantic circulation current drives the warm North Atlantic current and forms cold deep water (NADW) (Image: Yair Rosenthal / Rutgers University New...

Corona: How long must the measures last?

Woman with protective mask in empty bus. (Image: blackCAT / iSTock) With strict infection control measures in place in most countries, the question is how...

4 effective home remedies for constipation

Constipation is annoying, everyone who has had constipation knows that. Utopia presents five effective home remedies that you can use as an alternative to...

Öko-Test rates tampons as good – we disagree

All tampons convinced in the test with their high suction power. Öko-Test has hardly anything to complain about and rated almost all tampons with...

Enigmatic “mantis man”

This rock drawing puzzles archaeologists. (Image: Dr. Mohammad Naserifard) A strange shaped body with six limbs - what is that supposed to represent? Archaeologists have...

Öko-Test menstrual cups: Only four do poorly

Almost all menstrual cups can recommend Öko-Test. But of all things one of the most expensive products disappointed in the test. It contains a...

Evolution: the riddle of body sizes

Living environment in the Geiseltal 47 million years ago: Propalaeotherium (left) and Tapir Lophiodon (center) (image: Marton Szabo) The ancestors of today's horses have changed...

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