Share location with Google Maps app

Share location with Google Maps app

Show other people where you are through the Google Maps app.

Through the Google Maps app, you invite people to see where you are for a specified or indefinite period of time. People you know can then use Google Maps to find out where you are. Handy, for example, if you are on the road in the car and cannot make a call. Family or friends can see where you are in Google Maps and determine how long it will take you.

To share your location with others, you need a smartphone with (mobile) internet, the Google Maps app and a Google account. Google Maps uses the Internet connection to display your location on a map. If your phone is offline, the feature will not work properly.

The Google Maps app is installed by default on most smartphones. If this is not the case, download it in the App Store or in the Play Store. Don’t have a Google account yet? Read how to create one in the article ‘Create a Google account’.

If you have used Google Maps before, you should already be logged in. If not, log in to Google Maps on iPhone like this:

  • Tap the app Google Maps.
  • Tap the icon of a circle with a figure in the top right.
  • Tap on login.
  • If necessary, tap Continue for Google Maps permission to share information with the website
  • If Google Maps has already been used on your device, the previously used account is ready.
    • Tap the desired account.
    • Enter your password and tap Next one.
  • If the account you want to log in with is not listed, tap Using a different account.
    • Enter your email address and tap Next one.
    • Enter the corresponding password and tap Next one.

You are now logged in and automatically return to Google Maps. Sharing your location works like this:

  • Tap the app Google Maps.
  • Tap the three dashes icon.
  • Tap on Share location.
  • Tap on To work.
  • Now you have to choose. By default, you share your location for 1 hour. The plus and minus signs lengthen or shorten the period. You can also choose to share until you manually disable the feature. In that case, tap Until you turn this off.
  • Google Maps always shares your location with a link, but you decide how you send it:
    • “Select people” indicates that you are letting Gmail contacts know your location via email.
    • ‘Message’ indicates that you are sending a text message with the necessary information to the people who are allowed to know your location.
    • Via ‘More’ you can access other apps on your phone such as WhatsApp.
  • We tap Message.
    • You may get a message that Maps needs access to your phone’s location.
    • In the panel, tap Go to Settings.
    • Tap on Location.
    • Tap on All the time.
    • Navigate back to Google Maps.
  • If necessary, tap the application of your choice again. So in our case Message.
  • The Messages app opens. After ‘To’, type the name of your contact person.
  • Tap the arrow in the text box to send the text message.

The recipient will be sent a link. If he/she uses the link, Google Maps will open and show your location for the set time.

Tip: If you share your location, there will be a bar at the bottom of the Google Maps window with ‘Share via link’. In the bar you can see how long your location has been shared. If necessary, tap the blue slider to turn off location sharing early.

share location with google maps iphone

On Android phones, you are generally already signed in while using Google Maps. Sharing your location works like this:

  • Tap the app maps. If necessary, first tap the collection folder google.
  • Tap your account icon at the top right. This is a colored circle with the first letter of your account name.
  • Tap Share location.
  • Tap on To work.
  • Now you have to choose. By default, you share your location for 1 hour. The plus and minus signs lengthen or shorten the period. You can also choose to share until you manually disable the feature. In that case, tap Until you turn this off.
  • Google Maps always shares your location by means of a link, but you choose through which app.
    • In the middle part of the pane, you’ll see a row of names. These are email contacts. To share your location via email, tap the appropriate person or people here. Swipe from right to left to see more options.
    • The lower part of the panel lets you control which app you share your locations with, such as “WhatsApp”. Tap the desired app. Optionally, swipe from right to left to see more options.
  • We tap whatsapp.
  • You may be notified that Maps needs access to your location history. Tap on Switch.
  • WhatsApp opens. Tap the recipient(s).
  • Tap the green arrow.
  • A standard message will appear with the link. Adjust this if necessary. Tap the paper airplane icon to send.

The recipient will be sent a link. If he/she uses the link, Google Maps will open and show your location for the set time.

Tip: If you share your location, a bar will appear at the bottom of the Google Maps window. This states that your location will be shared and for how long. If necessary, tap the cross to turn off location sharing early.

google maps location sharing android

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