Sleeping Berry: Effect and Application of Ashwagandha

Sleeping Berry: Effect and Application of Ashwagandha
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / siobhandolezal

The sleeping berry is also known as Ashwagandha. In Ayurvedic medicine, the root is used to treat stress and sleep problems. You can read here how to use the medicinal plant and what you should consider.

The sleeping berry is a popular medicinal plant in Ayurvedic medicine. In Sanskrit it is called ashwagandha, which translates as “the smell of the horse” because the plant is said to give the strength of horses. From the botanical name Withania somnifera is derived from the German name sleeping berry. Somnifera translates as “soporific”.

The plant is one of the so-called adaptogens. These are plants that support our bodies on different levels. you reduce oxidative stressstrengthen that immune system and balance the hormonal balance. This also includes, among other things ginseng, Jiaogulan or Greek mountain tea. When used regularly, adaptogens are said to contribute to our general well-being and health.

In this article you can read how exactly Ashwagandha works and whether the effects are scientifically proven. You will also learn how to use the root and what you should consider.

What is Ashwagandha?

The fruits and leaves of the sleeping berry are also said to have healing effects.
The fruits and leaves of the sleeping berry are also said to have healing effects.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / MabelAmber)

Botanically, the sleeping berry belongs to the nightshade family, like tomatoes or potatoes. This is also suggested by their small red fruits, which are somewhat reminiscent of small cherry tomatoes. Hence its name, winter cherry.

The sleeping berry is very robust and adaptable. It is native to India, North Africa and the Middle East, but is now also grown in other temperate areas such as North America and England.

The robust shrub also thrives in poor soil conditions and reaches a height of about one meter. While the fruits and leaves are also said to have healing effects, the roots of the plant are mainly used for medicinal purposes.

The sleeping berry and its ingredients

In Ayurveda, the sleeping berry belongs to the group of so-called Rasayana. These are substances that support the body in regeneration, which is said to have a rejuvenating effect. Since the root is mainly used for medical purposes in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, the studies also refer to the ingredients of the sleeping berry root.

In 2011, the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines reviewed and summarized various studies. They have extensively dealt with the ingredients and the effect of the healing root.

The most important ingredients of the root of the sleeping berry include:

  • alkaloids: The secondary plant substances serve to protect the plant. In small quantities, they have a stimulating effect on the human body. There are over 800 different alkaloids. Isopelletierins, anaferins, cuseohygrins and anahygrins are found in the sleeping berry.
  • steroid lactones: The steroid lactones include plant-specific substances that are typical for Withania somnifera, such as withanolides and withaferins. The substances are said to have stress-reducing and immune-boosting properties.
  • Saponins: Like the alkaloids, the saponins are among the secondary plant substances and serve to protect the plant. They also form foam in water and are therefore often used in cleaning agents.
  • Acylsteryl glucosides: These substances are also said to be able to reduce stress.

    This is how the root of the sleeping berry works

    The ingredients of the root of the sleeping berry have a positive effect on sleep and regeneration.
    The ingredients of the root of the sleeping berry have a positive effect on sleep and regeneration.
    (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Claudio_Scott)

    Adaptogens, such as sleeping berries or ginseng, affect our bodies at different levels. Here you get an overview of the most important effects of the Ashwagandha root:

    • stress reducing: A 2012 study by the Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine demonstrated that a highly concentrated extract of ashwagandha root can be safe and effective for stress and anxiety disorders. The root has been shown to lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is a hormone that the body releases when it is stressed. The ingredients of the root reduce oxidative stress, thus strengthening our resilience and helping to live a more balanced life.
    • regenerating: The sleeping berry supports the body’s regeneration processes. Its root improves sleep quality and can help sleep disorders be helpful, as a 2020 study shows.
    • strengthening: The muscles also benefit from the sleeping berry, as a study from 2015 shows. This suggests that ashwagandha supplementation is associated with an increase in muscle mass and strength and may therefore be useful to support strength training.
    • Enhances concentration: A review study in the African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines shows that the active compounds in sleeping berries have a positive effect on memory and concentration. The root is also used successfully in various neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.
    • hormonal: The ingredients of the root affect the human endocrine system at different levels. On the one hand, the root influences the thyroid gland and thus the metabolism. A study has shown that ashwagandha could have a balancing effect on hyperthyroidism. However, more research is needed to determine exactly how roots affect the thyroid. Several studies have also shown that ashwagandha increases testosterone levels. A study has even shown that fertility in men improves. Another study has proven that the plant can be used successfully for menopausal symptoms. There was also no significant difference in testosterone levels in the subjects.

    Conclusion: The studies indicate that the sleeping berry can have a variety of effects on well-being and health. Note, however, that the results of the studies may need to be backed up by further investigations. For example, if the number of subjects is too small. In some cases, more research is needed to understand exactly which ingredients work and how.

    You should pay attention to this with the sleeping berry

    Especially if you take other medications, you should talk to your doctor about drug interactions.
    Especially if you take other medications, you should talk to your doctor about drug interactions.
    (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / MarcOliver_Artworks)

    The root of the sleeping berry appears to be a versatile medicinal plant and for ailments such as various types of stress until difficulty concentrating to be able to help. Nevertheless, the root is not equally recommended for everyone.

    If the following points apply to you, Ashwagandha is not suitable for you:

    • The root is stodgy and therefore not suitable for people with digestive problems. Large amounts of the root can also cause abdominal cramps and diarrhea to lead. So make sure you use the right dosage.
    • Before you begin the application, be sure to consider the hormonal effect of the root. Regardless of your biological sex, you should not use the medicinal plant if your testosterone level is already rather high. Even if you suffer from a thyroid disease, it is better to discuss the use with your doctor beforehand.
    • Even if you medication you should talk to your doctor beforehand. Interactions can occur, especially with medication for diabetes, blood pressure and thyroid hormones.

    The sleeping berry is traditionally used in Ayurvedic medicine. If you follow the principles of this healing art, you should make the intake of the sleeping berry dependent on whether it belongs to your Ayurveda type fits. It is best to consult an experienced Ayurvedic consultant so that there are no undesirable side effects or interactions.

    Application of Ashwaganda

    You can also prepare ashwagandha as a tea.
    You can also prepare ashwagandha as a tea.
    (Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / umehanayuuki)

    You can use the Ashwagandha root in different forms. You can usually purchase the root as a powder, in capsule form, or as a tea preparation.

    Since the root is considered difficult to digest, in Ayurveda it is combined with substances that promote digestion, for example honey, ghee or warm milk with black pepper.

    A common dosage is 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of the powder, once or twice a day.

    A popular form of using ashwagandha root is as a type of tea with the powder. To do this, mix hot water with 1/2 teaspoon of the powder and 1 teaspoon of honey. Another option is a chai-like drink made with warm milk and cardamom can prepare.

    The powder itself also has a pleasant taste, which is why you can also use it in desserts.

    It is best to use certified organic products. Seals like this provide orientation demeter– or natural land-Logo. This way you can be sure that the sleeping berry was grown in an environmentally friendly way and that the plants were not grown with synthetic chemicals pesticides are charged. Do you buy with the Fair Trade seal provided sleeping berry products, you also support fair trade and wages for everyone involved. This is especially important because most Ashwagandha products come from India or North Africa.


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