Stop continuous playback on YouTube


When a video on YouTube ends, another video follows immediately. Do you find this inconvenient? You can do something about it.

When you watch a video on YouTube, the site has several videos ready that you may want to see. When the video is over, the next one will play automatically quite quickly. But you probably only want to watch the movie of your choice. In that case, disable the ‘Autoplay’ function.

  • In YouTube, click on the video of your choice to play it.
  • The video opens and plays immediately. To the right of the video is a list of other videos ready. YouTube thinks you might be interested in this too. Click on the blue slider behind ‘Autoplay’ above this list.

The slider turns gray and the function is turned off. When the video ends, a new video will not automatically play.

  • In YouTube, tap the video of your choice to play it.
  • Below or next to the video is the “Next” heading. Below are the following videos. In this section, tap the blue slider next to ‘Autoplay’.

The slider turns white and autoplay is off. When the video ends, a new video will not automatically play.

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