Taking macro photos with your iPhone: also works fine without iPhone 13

The iPhone 13 has a special lens for taking macro photos. Are you planning to buy an iPhone 13 for that? Do not! You don’t need a fancy new device for beautiful macro photos. iPhoned shows you how to make them, with your old(er) smartphone.

Take macro photos without iPhone 13

During the Apple event on September 14, the focus was on the iPhone 13 Pro (Max) and especially on the new camera and the ultrawide lens. With this new camera lens you can take beautiful landscape photos, but you can also take photos from very close by. For this you must have such a brand new iPhone. Or not?

The iPhone 12 Pro can focus up to about 8 centimeters from the subject, the iPhone 13 Pro takes another six centimeters. However, there are some tricks with which you can also take good macro photos on your ‘old’ iPhone.

Taking macro photos with your iPhone: also works fine without iPhone 13

Take macro photos with the Camera 2+ app app

If you have an older iPhone, you are dependent on the built-in camera. An iPhone X or an iPhone 12 simply does not have a special macro lens. Fortunately, there are several apps that lend you a hand, so that you can still make a nice macro shot with your older device.

One of those apps is Camera 2+. This is the successor of the first version, which you can now find in the App Store under the name Camera+ Legacy. Both apps are fine, but Camera 2+ has more features and will be provided with new updates.

Take Macro Photo with Camera 2+

  1. Launch the Camera 2+ app;

  2. Tap the yellow button at the top of the screen (default is ‘Auto’);

  3. Choose ‘MACRO’ in the list;

  4. Point the camera at your subject;

  5. Tap where you want to focus;

  6. Use the slider on the left to zoom in further;

  7. Take the photo with a press of the print button.

Macro photo with Camera 2+

When you zoom in on the photo during step 6, the app uses the available camera lenses in your iPhone. Do not try to zoom in to the maximum. The iPhone then uses the optical zoom. This will cause you to lose the sharpness of your photo. It is better to take the photo and then crop it in the Photos app of your iPhone.

Take macro photos without iPhone 13 with an Olloclip lens

If you don’t want to get started with a special app, the attachments from olloclip an interesting option. With this you put an extra lens on your camera of your device. Various lenses are available, including a macro lens. Pay attention! Some lenses only fit a specific iPhone.

To not make it too difficult for yourself, there is also a separate clip available so that most lenses can be used on any iPhone. You must therefore purchase this Multi-Device Clip in addition to the lenses. The clip together with a macro lens will cost you about 60 euros, but by shopping around you might find them for less.

Macro photo with Olloclip

Use a magnifying glass

It may sound a bit strange, but also grab an old-fashioned magnifying glass. This is the cheapest home-and-kitchen solution for taking macro photos without an iPhone 13. Next, hold the magnifying glass as close to your iPhone’s lens as possible. Sometimes you have to play with the distance and hold the iPhone a little further away or move the magnifying glass closer to the subject.

IPhone with magnifying glass

Helpful tips for sharp macro photos

When taking macro photos, it is smart to keep a few things in mind. With these tips, you will certainly succeed in making a nice shot.

Move as little as possible

When taking photos up close, try to keep your phone as still as possible. Some iPhones have special hardware for this to counteract movement in photos. But even then it is wise to use a tripod (if possible). Don’t have it? Then you can also grab a bag of seeds or a rice bag to put your device upright.

Use the built-in timer of the camera app

Your iPhone’s camera app has many useful features, including a timer. Sets how long it takes your iPhone to take the photo. The most convenient is to use a tripod (see above). This way you move the phone as little as possible when you take the photo.

The Camera 2+ app also has such a timer. You can find it by tapping the plus sign next to the print button. Then choose ‘Timer’ and set the desired time (3s, 10s or 30s).

iPhone macro photo with camera 2+ timer

More interesting tips?

Do you like shooting with your smartphone? Then check out our handy tricks that will take your iPhone photography to the next level. Is that not enough and do you want more tips? Via the website and our free iPhoned app you always stay informed. You can also register for our newsletter.

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