The market for refurbished phones is growing, but less quickly in Europe

The market for refurbished phones is growing, but less quickly in Europe

More and more people are opting for a refurbished smartphone, according to a new study. Refurbished telephones are second-hand devices in which old parts have been replaced by a professional. In Europe, the growth of refurbished phones is slowing down.

Refurbished growing

When you buy a second-hand phone, you always take a certain risk. You do not always know in advance to what extent the phone is scratched or whether the battery is worn out. When you buy refurbished smartphones, you know that the quality has been checked and that worn parts have been replaced.

According to new figures from Counterpoint Research the market for refurbished smartphones has grown in 2021. Globally, 15 percent more refurbished phones were sold compared to a year earlier. For new phone sales, growth was limited to 4.5 percent in 2021. According to the researchers, Apple sold the most phones, although Samsung would gain ground on the iPhone maker. Counterpoint did not share to what extent Samsung is growing faster than Apple.

Differences worldwide

It is striking, however, that the success of refurbished smartphones can differ greatly in every part of the world. China is by far the most important market, although only 10 percent more refurbished devices have been sold. Europe is the second largest market and we see the same growth there. In contrast, the market in India grew by 25 percent and South America sold 29 percent more refurbished smartphones.

The market for refurbished phones is growing, but less quickly in Europe
Sales of refurbished smartphones worldwide. Image: Counterpoint Research

We recently discussed everything you need to know on Androidworld before you buy refurbished phones. We also discuss the pros and cons along with important points to watch out for. A recent AW Poll shows that 24 percent are considering a refurbished smartphone when purchasing a new device. Have you ever bought refurbished? Let us know in the comments at the bottom of this article.

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– Thanks for information from Androidworld. Source

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