This is how you can best drive with low sun

This is how you can best drive with low sun

Especially in the spring and autumn it often happens that you drive against the light of the low sun. Very beautiful and at the same time annoying. Usually you just see a lot less. What is the best way to drive when the sun is low? That way you keep seeing the most.

It is hard work, looking at the sun, especially a low sun. And if you also drive a long way to the west on the A12 on such an afternoon, then it is even more difficult. Here are some tips that will help you drive in the low sun. Nine out of ten drivers experience it at some point. They are also often surprised by it. So be prepared.

Use sunglasses

You’ve probably done it before and it’s very easy: keep the sunglasses at hand. Sunglasses with polarizing lenses work best, which reduce glare even more. And just put sunglasses in the car as standard, for example in a sunglasses holder† Then you can’t forget it. And 20 percent of motorists have ended up in a dangerous situation because they did not use sunglasses.

Keep the windows clean

You may think less about it these days, but clean windows make driving with the sun low much easier. So make sure you have enough windshield washer fluid in the reservoir! Also run a soft cloth over the inside of the windshield. You will be amazed at how much it makes a difference when the often greasy deposits are gone from the windscreen. With a clean window, the sun will still shine low but be more bearable.

Anticipating driving with a low sun

If you are bothered by the sun, adapt your driving style to the conditions. The cars in front of you are shadows faster, but it is also less easy to see that they (suddenly) start to brake. So make sure you’re prepared to quit. Drive with anticipation, adjust your speed and keep your distance. Are you going to catch up with someone? Then take a good look in the mirrors. Because the other person behind you probably sees you less well.

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Use the sun visors

Every car has sun visors. Feel free to turn them down when driving with the sun low. Sometimes you can also buy extenders for it. When using it, you must ensure that you keep a good view of the road.

Sun in the back? Lights on!

If you have the advantage of not having to look into the sun but have it ‘in the back’, be sure to turn on your lights. The oncoming traffic looks into the sun and sees you better if you use dipped headlights.

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Provide good ventilation

Some cars also have trouble blowing the condensation away quickly, especially after the start. If you ventilate the car well, the car is less humid and you are less bothered by fogged windows. And with that a better view.

Is it necessary to drive with the sun low?

And the easiest way is of course to see if you really have to drive with the sun low. Can you leave a little earlier or later? Is it really necessary to hit the road? Sometimes you don’t have to look up a difficult situation…

– Thanks for information from

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