This is how you create a secure password in your browser


Browsers offer all kinds of tools to handle passwords safely. For example, there is a password manager who remembers the logs for you. But your browser also helps you create a secure password. We will explain how that works.

Safe handling of passwords is something that many people are too lax about. It is understandable in some way, with all those sites and all those logs it is impossible to come up with and remember a unique password for each account. And if you also want to keep the unique password as secure as possible, the password must meet many requirements: punctuation marks, numbers, capital letters and preferably no names or words. In short, a strong password is almost impossible to remember.

There are many tools available to safely handle passwords without them W8 word to use as a password or to write everything on a notepad with pen and paper. Think of password managers. Modern browsers have these built in, so that not only your logs are remembered. Your browser can also come up with a secure password for you (before you save it in the browser). This way you are safer from others who want to hijack your accounts.


When you navigate to a site where you register with your browser, you can have a password created in the input fields. Click on the box where you enter a new password and choose in the pop-up window Suggest strong password in Google Chrome, or in Firefox Use a securely created password. After you have filled in the input fields and completed your registration, your browser asks whether the login may be saved. Because the password created is no more than a random sequence of letters, capital letters, numbers and punctuation marks, you should choose this. Or you copy the created password directly to a possible other password vault.

Saved passwords

You can also find all the passwords that you have saved in your browser. In Google Chrome, go to the browser settings and choose at Autofill for Passwords. If you scroll down a bit you will see a list of all saved passwords. If you want to view a password, press the eye icon. It is a safe idea that you must authenticate with your Windows account before you can actually view the passwords.

If you use a Google account, you can also transfer the saved passwords to your Android smartphone. When you have logged in to that device with the same Google account, the logins you saved in Chrome will be synchronized.

If you are using Firefox, you can find your saved passwords by going to Options / Privacy & Security / Saved Logins to go. Here you will immediately see a list with all saved logs. It is nice that at the top of the list with a warning are sites that have been affected by a data breach, so that you know that it is better to change the password of this saved login as soon as possible. Also in this list you can press the eye icon to see the password, and here too you need to authenticate with your Windows account.

If you would like to synchronize your passwords that you have saved in Firefox with your smartphone or tablet, use the app Lockwise, this app belongs to Mozilla, the maker of the Firefox browser. With a Firefox account you can then synchronize the saved logins with your devices.

Safe handling of passwords

Password management can be a bit of a chore at times. However, it is definitely something that should not be lax about it, because a hijacked account can be used for data theft (for example your payment details) or identity fraud (for example by someone posing as you in chat with a stolen Facebook account). When you are aware of the dangers and store your passwords securely in a password manager, you have little to worry about. How to proceed is explained in the free 60 minute course Safe with passwords of the Tech Academy.


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