TLN: ‘Elaboration of delivery van is crucial for new car tax’

Entrepreneurial organization Transport en Logistiek Nederland thinks it is positive that various mobility parties are arguing for a system of payment according to use for everyone, but according to TLN, the business community should not have to pay for the greening of passenger traffic.

Five major parties from the car industry presented a plan for car tax reforms on Wednesday. This places emphasis on payment according to use, among other things. Transport and Logistics Netherlands has long been an advocate of this. For freight traffic, for example, there are already plans for a ‘truck tax’, which will replace the Eurovignette and part of the mrb. Although according to TLN it is good that the parties have now also drawn up a plan for the other vehicle categories, increasing the diesel and petrol tax (by 0.01 and 0.03 euro cent respectively) would make more sense, according to TLN. After all, that yields just as much as the recommended increase in the mrb, they say. Moreover, everyone actually pays for the use and not for owning a car.

It is clear that the reform and ‘greening’ of car taxes is going to cost consumers money, especially among users of vehicles with combustion engines. This is considered necessary to stimulate the advance of zero-emission vehicles. TLN supports this idea, but does have the impression that the users of vans in the plan will largely finance the greening of passenger cars. That cannot be the intention, TLN emphasizes: ‘the bills for greening passenger cars should not lie with entrepreneurs’. That is why TLN considers this an important point of attention in the further elaboration of a new system of taxes for passenger cars and vans.

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