Tomato allergy: symptoms, causes and what you can do

Tomato allergy: symptoms, causes and what you can do
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Couleur

A tomato allergy can manifest itself in a variety of physical reactions. There are two types of this allergy, each with different symptoms and treatment options.

Have you ever had a tingling sensation in your mouth or a rash after eating a tomato salad? A tomato allergy could be to blame. Tomatoes are not known to be particularly allergenic foods, but for some people, eating them can have unpleasant consequences: a swollen mouth, skin problems or even cardiovascular problems can be the result.

We explain what you need to know about tomato allergies.

Causes of a tomato allergy

Tomatoes are actually very healthy. But some people cannot tolerate them because of a tomato allergy. There are two types of this allergy: An allergic reaction after consumption can occur either as a result of histamine intolerance or as a cross-allergy:

  • A cross allergy to tomatoes is usually associated with a pollen allergy, particularly to grass pollen, or hay fever. It occurs because certain ingredients in tomatoes are similar to pollen allergens. A cross allergy with rubber or natural latex is also possible.
  • People who suffer from histamine intolerance have difficulty breaking down the metabolic product histamine. It is naturally present in some plants, such as tomatoes and spinach, but can also form in animal products, for example. A tomato allergy can therefore also indicate a general histamine intolerance.

These symptoms may indicate a tomato allergy

Circulatory problems can be a symptom of a tomato allergy.
Circulatory problems can be a symptom of a tomato allergy.
(Photo: CC0 / Unsplash / Mike Von)

Depending on the cause, the symptoms that people experience after eating tomatoes also vary. If a tomato allergy occurs as a cross-allergy, it manifests itself through these typical symptoms:

  • Itching, tingling and swelling in the mouth and throat

  • Circulatory problems
  • Gastrointestinal complaints
  • Skin reactions

If a tomato allergy is the result of histamine intolerance, the typical symptoms may become noticeable:

  • Abdominal pain and digestive problems such as flatulence and diarrhea

  • Headaches or migraines
  • Cardiovascular problems
  • Rash
  • Menstrual problems such as period pain

  • runny or stuffy nose or, in extreme cases, asthma attack with severe shortness of breath

It is not only the consumption of raw tomatoes that can lead to allergic reactions. Processed tomatoes that are contained in ketchup, sauces, casseroles or juices can also trigger a tomato allergy. However, with cooked tomatoes, the symptoms may only appear in a milder form.

What to do if you are allergic to tomatoes?

By cooking tomatoes, you can sometimes reduce the symptoms of a tomato allergy.
By cooking tomatoes, you can sometimes reduce the symptoms of a tomato allergy.
(Photo: CC0 / Unsplash / Megan Bucknall)

If you suspect that you are allergic to tomatoes, you can have your doctor perform an allergy test. You will need to provide information about your medical history and the type of symptoms and do a skin test. The test will show whether you are allergic to certain substances. In a final provocation test, your body is confronted with the suspected allergen. This will clearly prove or disprove the suspected allergy.

  • If you have a tomato allergy as a cross-allergy, the treatment method is simple: the best thing to do is to simply avoid eating tomatoes. Sometimes it is even enough to avoid the vegetable during pollen season. It is also advisable to heat tomatoes. For example, simply prepare them as tomato sauce, tomato soup or stuffed tomatoes. By heating them, you kill certain allergens. The symptoms then usually only appear in a weakened form or even disappear altogether.
  • If you suffer from a tomato allergy as a result of histamine intolerance, the treatment is a little more complicated: It is then advisable to change your entire diet and avoid foods that contain histamine. These include strawberries, bananas, peanuts and chocolate. In this case, it is essential to seek professional nutritional advice so that you can avoid deficiency symptoms.

Good to know: The allergen content can vary greatly from variety to variety. So you may react differently to the fruit depending on the variety.

Read more on Techzle\.com:

  • Prevent sun allergy and treat symptoms – these home remedies help
  • Latex allergy: symptoms and alternatives to latex
  • Cat allergy: symptoms and what you can do

Edited by Denise Schmucker

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