Toyota becomes a partner of Mission H2

Toyota Netherlands joins a group of six other companies to promote hydrogen more in the Netherlands. Some TeamNL elite athletes are ambassadors for the joint campaign.

For “Mission H2”, as the campaign is called, seven different parties are joining forces. The common goal is to promote hydrogen more as an important and sustainable energy carrier for the future: “The aim of the mission is to increase awareness of the sustainable possibilities of hydrogen among the Dutch public and to initiate a broad movement for the benefit of of the energy transition. ” In addition to Toyota, companies such as Gasunie, Shell Netherlands and Stedin Group are also present.

For Mission H2, there is also collaboration with NOC * NSF. Several top athletes, such as Kiran Badloe, Marit Bouwmeester and Lisette Bruinsma, are ambassadors for the campaign. They would remain committed to the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. However, these events have been pushed back a year by the corona crisis. As a result, the campaign now continues for a year longer.

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