Turn on or stop contactless payments

Stop contactless payment

Switch on contactless payment with the debit card or (temporarily) stop in a few steps. This can usually be done via your bank’s banking app.

Contactless payment is fast, safe and hygienic. You hold the debit card at the payment terminal until you hear a beep and voilĂ : you have paid. For amounts up to 25 euros you no longer have to enter the pin code. Due to the corona crisis, this maximum has been temporarily increased to 50 euros. Read more about contactless payment in the article ‘How does contactless payment work?’.

Many bank cards are now suitable for contactless payment. Customers can often indicate at their staff whether they want to switch the function on or off. This can also be temporary, for example when they go on holiday. Switching on and off works differently for each bank. Below we explain how it works for a number of large banks.

At ING, contactless payments can only be started or stopped via the website. There it works like this:

  • Go to https://www.ing.nl/
  • Click on the orange button with login.
  • Enter your username and password.
  • click on login.
  • If necessary, confirm with the ING app.
  • Click on the payment account.
  • Click on the gear icon next to ‘Manage’ > pass management.
  • click on Set up contactless payment.
  • click on Change settings.
  • Click on the ‘Contactless payment’ section On or from.
  • click on Next one.
  • You must confirm the choice via the ING app. Log in here, tap Confirm, and enter the five-digit code again.

The confirmation of your choice is received on the computer. Contactless payment is turned on or off.

Contactless payment can be switched on or off via the Rabobank app. It goes like this:

  • Open the Rabobank app.
  • Login.
  • At the bottom, tap the cogwheel that says ‘Self-arranging’.
  • Tap on debit card.
  • Tap the slide behind ‘Turn contactless payment on or off’. The slider turns gray when the feature is turned off and green when the feature is turned on.

At ABN AMRO, all cards are suitable for contactless payment. It is not possible to turn off contactless payment via the app or the website. Would you rather have a card that does not allow you to pay contactless? Then a new debit card will have to be requested. Please contact ABN AMRO for this.

Switch the contactless payment on or off in the Regiobank app like this:

  • Open the Regiobank app.
  • Login.
  • In the bar at the bottom, tap Institutions.
  • Tap on Debit card(s).
  • Tap on Contactless payment.
  • Tap the slide behind ‘Contactless payment’. With ‘Yes’ the contactless payment is on, with ‘No’ the option is off.
  • Tap on Save.

At ASN Bank, switching contactless payment on and off is as follows:

  • Open the ASN app.
  • Login.
  • In the menu at the bottom of the screen, tap Institutions.
  • Tap on ASN debit card.
  • Tap on Contactless payment.
  • (Behind ‘Limit contactless’ is an amount. If you only want to adjust this limit, tap the colored circle under ‘Limit contactless’ and move to the left. The amount changes. Stop at the desired amount. )
  • After ‘Contactless payment’ it says ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. Set this as desired to ‘Yes’ for contactless payment and ‘No’ to not do this.
  • Tap on Save.

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