Why a regular check of your motorcycle tyres is important

Thank goodness for that. The working week has finished and it’s time to spend some quality time of your own. Weekends are the time that you really enjoy yourself as you head off in your own free world.

Your motorcycle is your pride and joy, using it to commute to and from work before setting out for a couple of days to explore and find new places with a Saturday night stopover. But, before you go on your way you check and clean your special friend, not least paying special attention to the motorcycle tyres.

You realise just how important that they are on your machine and in ensuring your safety. While being no expert, you do understand what to look out for. Checking their condition is one of the most vital things that you need to do regularly and most certainly before any longer road trips.

Over time, friction causes the tyres to wear, with tyres generally requiring replacement every five years. However, factors may determine that they should be changed well before then as riding on a worn tyre is dangerous and accounts for many accidents.

Different riding styles, the kilos accumulated and the speed at which you ride can all affect how long the tyre is same for before degradation and insufficient tread depths can kick in. Heading to a local dealer with expertise is one way of checking when you are ready for a change, but sometimes that is not always convenient, especially if you want them in peak condition to attend a bikers festival.

Riding with dangerous tyres is not only hazardous to yourself, but also fellow motorists who might be innocently involved in an accident of your making, or even a pedestrian if you went skidding onto a footpath without full control of your set of wheels.

Each set of motorcycle wheels has a Tyre Wear Indicator (TWI) inbuilt, on its sidewall. Once the mark becomes visible it is time for you buy a new set of tyres, as the tread has become dangerously shallow. The last thing that you want is to become restricted in your stability and balance, but that is a consequence of such a condition.

Another cause for concern is the appearance of an irregular wear pattern. As previously mentioned, it’s not just your own safety at stake. The strange looking patterns can be caused by a too high or low tyre pressure, with cupping also one to look out for, as you don’t want to have problems on your visit to a stunning location. Bald tyres cause accidents, also leading to extra maintenance being required for a motorcycle, which costs time and money, when a change is the sensible solution. If there is any sign whatsoever of a small puncture or cut, then you need to do the sensible thing and get the tyres changed. Trying to save money might cost lives. In short, looking after your tyres is critical if you want to continue your fun weekends away.

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