With or without the provider’s email address?

With or without provider mailWith an internet subscription from a provider such as Ziggo or KPN, users can create their own e-mail addresses. Is that useful or not?

With a fixed internet subscription, providers offer the option of creating one or more e-mail addresses as standard. Such as pietjepuk123@ziggo.nl or janklaassen123@kpn.nl. Customers are not obliged to use such an address. Those who are happy with a Gmail or Outlook.com address can continue to use it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of provider mail?

  1. Ease
    Usually a default address has already been created by the provider. The user can start using it immediately. And other addresses are quickly created.
  2. help desk
    If there is something, the helpdesk will help.
  3. No commercials
    The provider’s email addresses are strictly private. Google and Microsoft still want to place advertisements in their mail services. Some users find that annoying.
  1. Depending on subscription
    When the subscription ends, the email addresses of the provider also stop. If you change provider, you have to create new addresses. And inform all acquaintances, friends and authorities about this. A Gmail or Outlook.com address is for life.
  2. Mail archive
    A problem related to the above. Cancel the provider’s subscription and you will have to transfer your mail archive. Because the account ceases to exist.
  3. Sometimes problems across the border
    With mail from the provider you sometimes run into problems abroad. Mail comes in, but cannot be sent. Gmail and Outlook.com do not have these problems.

Consider whether you want to (continue to) use the provider’s email address. Of course you don’t have to. Free webmail services such as Gmail from Google and Outlook.com from Microsoft have the important advantage that the address is permanent. They can be opened via any browser and can be configured in all e-mail programs.

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