Working with OneDrive over the web

Working with OneDrive over the webOneDrive is useful for storing files online. Use the cloud service on all devices with an internet connection via

OneDrive users need an internet connection and a free Microsoft account. How to create an account can be found in the article ‘Create a Microsoft account’. The OneDrive website is accessible through the internet program.

Whatever device the user has, he can always access his OneDrive account via the website.

  • surf to
  • click on To register.
  • Enter the email address and click Next one.
  • Enter the password and click To register.
  • The first time, OneDrive gives a tour. Double click Next one > Let’s get started.
  • Microsoft may want you to sign up for a paid subscription. That is not immediately necessary. Click on the cross in the top right window to close the offer.

The overview with the files stored in OneDrive opens.

In the cloud service OneDrive, the user can store and view all kinds of files. Upload a file or folder from the website as follows:

  • click on upload.
  • click on Files or folder.
  • Navigate to the desired file and click on it.
  • click on To open or Select folder.

The file or folder is now on OneDrive.

Open a file like this:

  • If necessary, first click in the left menu My files.
  • Click on a file to open it.
  • The file may open in a new tab. Are you done with the file? Then close it via the cross on the tab or with the file.

Folders are useful for organizing files. Create a new folder like this:

  • If necessary, first click in the left menu Files.
  • If necessary, first click on a folder in which you want to create the new folder.
  • Click on at the top New.
  • click on folder.
  • Type the name of the folder.
  • click on To make.

The folder has been created.

Move files to another folder like this:

  • If necessary, first click in the left menu Files.
  • Move the mouse pointer over the file.
  • A circle appears next to the file. Click on this.
  • The file will have a check mark. Click on at the top Move to.
  • On the right side of the screen, the folders that are on OneDrive appear. Browse to the correct folder and select it.
  • click on Move.

The file is now in the selected folder.

Delete files that do not need to be kept. This frees up space for other files.

  • If necessary, first click in the left menu Files.
  • Move the mouse pointer over the file.
  • A circle appears next to the file. Click on this.
  • The file will have a check mark. Click on at the top remove.

The file is now in the ‘Recycle Bin’ folder. Files remain here for thirty days. When the Recycle Bin is full, the oldest items are automatically deleted after three days.

Do you want to save the file? Then put it back.

  • Click in the left menu Garbage can.
  • Click on the file.
  • click on Put back.

The file is back in the root of OneDrive.

The user can share files and folders with others. Someone then gets access to the shared item. Share a file or folder via the website as follows:

  • If necessary, first click in the left menu My files.
  • Move the mouse pointer over the file.
  • A circle appears next to the file. Click on this.
  • The file will have a check mark. Click on at the top To share.
  • Share file directly via email. In the “To” field, enter a name or email address.
  • In the ‘Message’ field, type an accompanying text.
  • click on Send.
  • Click on the cross.

The recipient will receive an email with the name of the file or folder you are sharing with a link to it.

Use the link (link to the file) to share the file other than by email:

  • If necessary, first click in the left menu My files.
  • Move the mouse pointer over the file.
  • A circle appears next to the file. Click on this.
  • The file will have a check mark. Click on at the top To share.
  • Click to get the link on Copy link > To copy.
  • For example, paste the link into a chat window or into another program to distribute it.

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