3 sites to compare health insurance policies

health insurance comparison

Everyone can switch health insurers once a year. Therefore, take a good look at the range of health insurers every year.

Compare not only the prices of insurance, but also the conditions. The coverage of the basic insurance is laid down by law and is therefore the same with every provider. But the coverage of the supplementary insurance varies per company. The policies can be easily compared online via so-called comparison sites. There are many different ones. We recommend that you do the comparison at a number of sites and compare the results. You can then make a choice based on that.

Do you want to switch and do you use supplementary insurance for an illness or chronic medication use? Then inquire with the insurer of your choice whether it is possible to switch while retaining your current reimbursements. Insurers are obliged to accept everyone for basic insurance. But they are allowed to refuse people for additional insurance.

Also check with the insurer of your choice whether it has contracts with your favorite care providers. Think of your pharmacist or physiotherapist.

A new insurer will cancel the old insurance for you. Cancellation must be made before January 1. Start comparing in time.

Independer compares all kinds of insurance with each other. First fill in some basic information, then determine the amount of your deductible and indicate whether you need additional insurance, for example for physiotherapy or alternative medicine. You can see clearly what is already reimbursed under the basic insurance. Use a decision aid to determine whether you need additional insurance. If you switch via Independer, you will receive free dental accident insurance.

Website Independer

The Poliswijzer comparison site is a bit more sober than Independer. Here too, the search starts with entering personal data, such as your date of birth and zip code. The first results are not yet the most suitable. In the left column you have to set a number of things. For example, which additional coverage you want. The range of insurance policies changes along with it on the right-hand side of the page.

Website policy guide

The Consumers’ Association also has a comparison site for health insurance. You fill in your personal details on the website. Then specify your coverage requirements in different categories. Finally, the results appear in a clear menu. In the left menu you can still adjust conditions. The overview with insurers immediately adapts.

Consumers’ Association website

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