5 changes in Facebook’s strategy

Facebook logo

A huge company like Facebook is constantly changing. The social network service is making many changes – small and larger. Not only for Facebook, but also for sister services WhatsApp and Instagram. We list five recent changes.

New logo

For a long time Facebook had one logo for the company and its social medium. That has changed: the company has now received a different logo. This makes it clearer that the social network is a business unit.

New Facebook logo

WhatsApp dark mode

WhatsApp has been working on a dark mode for its Android and iOS app for months. It must be more pleasing to the eyes in the evening and may be more energy efficient. The mode seems to be approaching.

“From Facebook”

Few people know that Instagram and WhatsApp belong to Facebook, according to Facebook. That is why the apps now display the text “From Facebook”, for example in the app settings. That should make Facebook better known.

Hide likes

After an experiment in seven countries, Instagram is now testing the hiding of likes in other people’s photos and videos worldwide. Test participants only see the likes of their own posts.

Face recognition

The Facebook app tests the possibility of recording a kind of 3D selfie video to confirm your identity. That is in addition to logging in with your password. It is not known whether the feature will become standard.



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