This is how you make YouTube Shorts

This is how you make YouTube Shorts

YouTube’s answer to TikTok’s popularity is YouTube Shorts. In this way you can make such a short film with your mobile that is intended to be viewed on a smartphone. All you need is a cell phone with the YouTube app on it.

To make

The length of such a Short is limited to sixty seconds and you can make such a recording directly in the YouTube app. Open the app on your iPhone, iPad, or an Android device. At the bottom you will find the button with the plus sign, that is the button To make. If you tap on that, you will see the function Make a Short. In the next screen you have to give the app access to the camera and microphone. As of this writing, this feature is still in beta. This means that there may still be some loose ends in this product.

You start a Short via the plus button.

Music and Overlay

A number of options will appear on the shooting screen. With the button Music add browse through a library of songs that you may add to the image. Of To spin switch between the front and rear camera. You can record the video in slow motion or accelerated mode. With the speed controller you can adjust the recording speed between 0.3x and 3x. There is also a timer to start recording. That way you can set up the device and record hands-free. Below that is the button to a series of filters. Tap on Align to align the next clip with a transparent overlay.

To publish

With the red button you start the recording and later you use it to stop. Tap on Undo if you are not satisfied and you want to start over again. Are you satisfied? Then confirm with the check mark. Tap on Next one to add a title of up to 100 characters to the video. You can choose a text color and with Timeline determine when the text should appear and disappear. In the next step you will add the details for the upload. If you’ve made a video longer than sixty seconds, there’s the function Edit to a Short to trim your video. Then you decide whether your video will go public or only to the people who receive the link from you. Finally, you can set very precisely at which time the Short becomes visible to the world.

Do you want to select a specific audience or can you short publicly?

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