Through a group conversation and a mailing list, WhatsApp users can send a single message to multiple contacts. But what exactly is the difference between those two forms?
A group conversation
The participants in a group conversation all chat with each other. Everyone in the group can read all messages. The recipients can reply and also send messages to the whole group themselves. Handy, for example, to keep in touch with several family members at the same time or to arrange something with a group.
Start a group conversation? Read the tip ‘Start a group conversation in WhatsApp’.
A mailing list
Several contacts are stored in a mailing list. The creator can then send a message to all persons from the list in one go. Unlike in a group conversation, the contacts are not together in a chat. The recipients simply receive the message in a personal app. If a recipient replies, only the creator of the mailing list gets the message. Handy to send an invitation for a birthday, for example.
Create a mailing list? Read the tip “Use a mailing list.”