No fewer than 89% of Dutch people indicate that light influences the atmosphere and cosiness and how we feel, including in the bedroom.

From a survey commissioned by Signify among 2,000 Dutch people, almost 9 in 10 Dutch people indicate that light influences the atmosphere and cosiness and how we feel, including in the bedroom. Dutch people say en masse that the right light helps them feel better about themselves (87%) and good mood lighting can also set the tone for a fun night (76%).

Everything off, except the lights (or is it?)
Yet it is striking that only 9% choose to leave the light on during sex. 24% even turn off the lights completely. The reason? 1 in 4 Dutch people feel insecure about their body when the lights are on during a wild night. That uncertainty is not only between our ears, but also between the sheets.
Fortunately, this does not apply to everyone. A majority (55%) of sexually active Dutch people say that they usually have sex in dim light or with dimmed mood lighting. The right, often dimmed, lighting sets the tone, adds a touch of mystery and, above all, gives our self-confidence that boost.

SOS Valentine’s gadget
With today’s smart lighting you can set the tone for an exciting night. This is how you can use the smart lighting from WiZ Connected candlelight go or choose Valentine’s red and let the light slowly fade out to get into the mood immediately. By the way, thanks to the handy WiZ app or via Voice Control, you can control the lights wherever and whenever you want. Maybe a good time to bombard your partner with new code language? When we flash the light twice, this is a signal to go upstairs! Definitely worth a try.

We WiZ you a happy Valentine
Mood lighting not only sets the right tone for a fun night, everyone also deserves to be seen! In collaboration with Belgian photographer Morgane Gielen, WiZ Connected puts three people in the spotlight and lets their ‘insecurities’ shine in the right (WiZ) light. With this campaign they want to call on everyone to put yourself or your partner ‘in the light’ this Valentine’s Day, because everyone deserves to be seen. This year don’t say it with flowers, but with light!

Morgane Gielen 6 online