The makers of the app label the app as one aggregator of video content

Dennis Gandasoebrata

grayjay 2

The Grayjay app helps you discover video content. You follow the creators of content and the app automatically searches for the corresponding channels. For example, this could be a YouTube channel, but the video could also come from a Twitch stream. The app is relatively new and only available for Android phones.

The makers themselves label the app as one aggregator of content. Several well-known and lesser-known platforms are supported, such as Youtube, Twitch and Patreon. You indicate which sources you want to enable and which sources you do not want to see. The display is constructed based on this. The app uses tabs, allowing you to switch directly between the individual creators (creators of the content) and the sources. While playing the content, the app offers additional options, such as fast-playing the video stream. If a channel also supports chat, you can communicate with the creators and other viewers. The app also supports background play, so you can use other apps while watching the content. You can also log in to the various sources via the app. There is also support for Chromecast, so you can play the images on an external screen.

Product: Grayjay (

3 stars

Price: free
System requirements: Android
Language: Dutch, English