How to convert an image to text (and prompt!) with Midjourney?

How to convert an image to text (and prompt!) with Midjourney?

Midjourney is a generative artificial intelligence. This tool allows you to create images from sentences written in natural language, called “prompts”. The beta version of Midjourney was released in July 2022 and its development has been meteoric. Today, version 5 has seen some great new features.

Among them, the /describe command reverses the Midjourney process. Instead of generating a visual from a prompt, the robot offers 4 prompts from a visual. Practical, this feature is also educational since it gives valuable information on the instructions to include in a prompt to be as close as possible to the desired effect.

How to convert an image to text (and prompt) with Midjourney?

1. Join one of the #newbies-xx channels on the Midjourney Discord server

To use Midjourney, you need to communicate with its Discord robot. You can do this by joining one of the #newbies-xx channels on the left side of your screen.


2. Load an image to generate text

To import the image to be converted into text, do not use the /imagine prompt, as for a classic prompt, but /describe, before validating with the Enter key.


Click on the image box to send your file. You can also drag and drop from your computer.


Photo Pascale DUC

Validate with the Enter key. The robot then displays 4 descriptions of the image, which can themselves be used as prompts in turn.


Photo Pascale DUC

3. Use one of the suggested prompts

To launch one of the prompts, click on the corresponding button 1 to 4.


Photo Pascale DUC

You are invited to modify the selected prompt or to validate it directly, with the Send button.


Midjourney then delivers 4 images from the prompt, as for any classic generation.


If you have modified the proposed prompt, the generation is performed with your changes.


NB: as for a normal image generation, you can use the “Re-roll” button to restart the creation of new prompts.


More than a simple image description, the /describe command is above all a valuable tool for understanding how Midjourney prompts work. You want to reproduce a personal photo, but you have trouble finding the right prompt? Upload your file, the Midjourney robot will help you immediately on the subtleties to use. As you have seen, this command also allows you to take inspiration from the original and generate slightly different images (format, color, luminosity, etc.) by modifying the prompt or by enriching it.

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