How to

This way you can see which devices are connected to your network

Nowadays, many devices use your home network, which makes it easy to lose track. Are all...

Fix your PC with the tools in the Windows Repair Toolbox

Is your computer increasingly suffering from cures? Then you can rely on many tools to patch...

This is how you turn roaming on your smartphone

Are you going on vacation soon? You have not had to pay extra for roaming for...

Linux on your Chromebook

A Chromebook is a very nice device that is easy to use. However, it also has...

No DVD drive in your laptop or PC? You can do this!

If you buy a new laptop or PC, you will not always find a DVD drive in...

This is how you find a forgotten password in Chrome

Today, many websites ask you to log in, but you cannot possibly remember all passwords. Especially...

This way you can generate random data with fake data

If you prepare a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets in which you soon have to...

This is how you log out remotely from Gmail

If you use Gmail on multiple computers or mobile devices, it is wise to log out every...

Connect your iPad to a remote desktop

Still enjoying working from home? Then chances are that you have already logged in to a...

Voettekst toevoegen in Word: Dit zijn je opties

Wil je een voettekst toevoegen in Word, dan zijn daarvoor verschillende mogelijkheden. In dit artikel kijken we...

Windows 10 bureaublad opruimen en herindelen met Nimi Places

Wanneer je een nieuwe computer koopt, is het bureaublad heerlijk leeg. Vaak duurt het echter niet lang...

Wat te doen bij ongewenste e-mail?

Of het nu een bloedmooie, verre vrouw is die je beter wil leren kennen, iemand die je...

Dit zijn de beste multimedia-opties in PowerPoint

PowerPoint is al jaren de favoriete tool voor iedereen die een mooie en overtuigende presentatie wil geven....

Windows 10 Taakbeheer, wat kun je ermee?

Windows Taakbeheer is zo’n tooltje waar de meeste gebruikers van Windows 10 zich nauwelijks mee bezig zullen...

Windows 10: Associate file types with program

There are quite a few file types that come under a heading. Consider, for example, the category...

How to lock Netflix with a PIN

Recently it has been possible to lock your Netflix profile with a pin code, so that other...

Microsoft Word: The Basics

Microsoft has worked a lot on the word processor Word in recent years. Features have become more...

How fast is my iPad (or iPhone)?

Quite a few different iPads have appeared recently. Some very affordable, others high end. The differences between...

Know Wifi password? This is how you find it on Windows 10

You should have set passwords for all kinds of accounts and your own WiFi network that are...

Do you already know these 10 Spotify tricks?

Even if you use a program like Spotify for hours on a daily basis, you may have...

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