How to

How to lock Netflix with a PIN

Recently it has been possible to lock your Netflix profile with a pin code, so that other...

Microsoft Word: The Basics

Microsoft has worked a lot on the word processor Word in recent years. Features have become more...

How fast is my iPad (or iPhone)?

Quite a few different iPads have appeared recently. Some very affordable, others high end. The differences between...

Know Wifi password? This is how you find it on Windows 10

You should have set passwords for all kinds of accounts and your own WiFi network that are...

Do you already know these 10 Spotify tricks?

Even if you use a program like Spotify for hours on a daily basis, you may have...

Secure your Mac with pre-built tools

MacOS is a beautiful operating system and packed with good options to keep your Mac running smoothly....

Using your TV as a monitor: this is what you want to know

Whatever your reason, it can be a good or fun idea to turn your TV into a...

Automate smartphone tasks with Automate

Turn off the Wi-Fi on your phone when you leave the house, automatically switch off your smartphone...

Should you use Zoom? These are the best tips

Now that as many people as possible are working from home, there is a good chance that...

Create your own newsletter with Mailchimp

As chairman or secretary you are responsible for the periodic newsletters that all members of your association...

Create 3D photo book with free Visions

Some programs manage your footage with intelligence functions to quickly find the needle in the haystack. At...

Get started with free password manager Bitwarden

With a password manager you can secure all your login details in a digital safe. In addition...

Automatic disk cleanup in Windows 10

Does your PC or laptop have a slightly smaller hard disk or SSD? Then you will see...

What information does Windows 10 keep?

Windows logs a lot of data. Handy, because some information can help you troubleshoot your system or...

Enlight Quickshot -Professional photos in one click

If you like mobile photography, you should definitely try the different Englight apps. We highlight Enlight Quickshot...

iOS privacy settings under the microscope

Your data is worth much more now than you may think. The more people know about you,...

Partition and format disk in Windows 10

Organize your disk optimally and make it work? With partitioning, you can organize the space on your...

Customize word formatting with styles

You are the chairman of an association, you have a company or are self-employed, and you want...

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