iPhone 12 radiation: this is how Apple will solve the problem

French authorities discovered that the radiation level of the iPhone 12 is higher than legally permitted, which could be potentially dangerous to your health. Do you have such an iPhone 12? Then we have good news, because the problem will be solved quickly.

iPhone 12 radiation too high

At the beginning of September you saw it everywhere in the news. The French government had withdrawn the iPhone 12 from sale. The reason: the electromagnetic radiation from the device was too high. Samples taken by the French regulator showed that the iPhone 12 emits radiation of 5.74 watts per kilogram of body weight, which is much higher than the permitted 4 W/kg.

After the news became known, reports quickly emerged that the Belgian, Dutch and German governments were also investigating a possible ban. So there was a need for haste at Apple, and the company quickly announced that it would release an update. There is now more clarity about this.

Update for iPhone 12

According to Reuters, Apple has created an update for the iPhone 12 and has already sent it to the French government. The regulator is already working on new tests there. If the update is approved, the update will come to all iPhone 12s – most likely worldwide.

Because the update is only being tested internally, it is not yet known whether it will have consequences for the performance of the phone. It is possible that your mobile or WiFi range will be slightly worse after the update. Although Apple indicates that the higher measured values ​​mainly have to do with the methodology used by the regulator. So there may be nothing wrong after the update – both in terms of radiation and performance.

iPhone 12

No real danger to your health

Talk about ‘nothing wrong’. The fuss surrounding the radiation level of the iPhone 12 is according to… iPhoned a storm in a teacup anyway. Now ‘radiation’ sounds dangerous at first glance, but in this case it concerns the electromagnetic variant. And – according to the current scientific state of affairs – this only causes objects in the vicinity of the radiation source to become warmer.

With the European limit value of 4 W/kg, an iPhone can heat your pocket up to 0.1 degrees. The measured values ​​of the iPhone 12 therefore result in 0.1435 degrees of warming. Not really a major risk to your health, in our opinion.

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