MBSR against stress: With mindfulness to more calmness

MBSR against stress: With mindfulness to more calmness
Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / Binja69

MBSR is the abbreviation for mindfulness-based stress reduction. This concept can help you better deal with stress and negative emotions. Here you can find out more about the content and effects of the training method.

The abbreviation MBSR stands for “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction”. It is a program that contains various types of meditation, yoga elements and other mindfulness exercises. The aim is to consciously direct your attention and thereby learn to be more calm and serene.

In the 1970s, US scientist Jon Kabat-Zinn developed the MBSR mindfulness program. According to his theory, people should practice MBSR daily for eight weeks. There are also special MBSR centers with intensive courses where experts guide you through the program.

Under certain circumstances, health insurance companies support such courses financially, for example as a preventative measure. Alternatively, you can also do MBSR at home, for example with the help of appropriate CDs and books.

MBSR: A mindfulness exercise program

MBSR includes, among other things, various meditation techniques and yoga elements.
MBSR includes, among other things, various meditation techniques and yoga elements.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / StockSnap)

The MBSR program primarily consists of the following mindfulness exercises:

  • Body scan: You focus your attention on each individual part of your body one after the other and learn to perceive physical sensations consciously and without judgment.

  • Sitting meditation: Here you should practice sitting quietly. During meditation you notice how thoughts and feelings come and go without evaluating them or analyzing them further. You can find out exactly how meditation works in the article Learning to meditate: Tips for beginners. By the way, with the help of a guided meditation you will receive support in meditating.

  • Walking meditation: In this type of meditation, you slowly and consciously put one foot in front of the other and notice every movement and sensation in your body.

  • Yoga: Some gentle yoga positions are also part of MBSR. As a beginner, you will find suggestions in this article: Yoga for beginners – these tips will make it easier for you to get started.

As part of the program, you will also learn important breathing techniques and address the question of how you can make your everyday life more mindful. At some MBSR centers, for example, eating meditation also plays a role. You consciously consume your food by activating all your sense organs.

MBSR: Positive effects on health

Various studies prove the positive effect of MSBR on our mental health:

  • A 2010 study examined the effects of MBSR on patients suffering from social phobias and anxiety disorders. After eight weeks, the researchers were able to prove that depression and anxiety had reduced among those affected. Self-esteem had also improved.
  • Another study from 2018 looked at the effects of MBSR on injured athletes. After eight weeks, there was an increased pain tolerance among athletes who had completed the program regularly. The researchers therefore recommend MBSR as a useful addition to the rehabilitation process.
  • A meta-study from 2010 confirms the positive effects of MBSR on the mental health of chronically ill patients. It was shown (albeit to a relatively small extent) that the mindfulness program could alleviate depression and anxiety.
  • A 2007 pilot study concluded that MBSR can help people quit smoking. The meditations apparently made it easier for the participants to maintain their abstinence from nicotine. In addition, the program reduced the level of stress experienced by those affected.

How exactly does MBSR work?

Through MBSR and other mindfulness exercises we can learn to accept our feelings and thoughts without judgment.
Through MBSR and other mindfulness exercises we can learn to accept our feelings and thoughts without judgment.
(Photo: CC0 / Pixabay / EnergieDeVie)

But what is the reason for the positive effects of mindfulness training? The core of MBSR is to perceive and accept feelings and thoughts, says psychologist and scientist Anja Koch to Planet Wissen. This makes it easier to process negative perceptions such as pain. Instead of trying to suppress them or numb them, you should simply accept them without judgment. Mindfulness training also helps to break negative thought spirals and take a different perspective on your own life situation.

Regular mindfulness training can even change our brain structure in the long term. According to Planet Wissen, researchers have found that meditation can reduce the fear center in the brain. However, areas responsible for memory and attention are growing.

In order to benefit from these positive effects, you must learn the basic techniques of MBSR carefully and practice them again and again. Also keep in mind that while mindfulness exercises can help reduce stress and anxiety, they are not a replacement for therapy. If you notice that you need professional support in your situation, you should definitely seek the help of experts.

Read more on Techzle\.com:

  • Meditation to fall asleep: This is how it works
  • Mindfulness: 5 recommended meditation apps
  • Think positively: How to learn and get rid of negative thoughts

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