Package a presentation in PowerPoint

Package a presentation in PowerPoint

If you make a presentation at home on your desktop, you want it to work flawlessly tomorrow on your laptop. It’s a nightmare when supreme sound, fonts or movies won’t load at the moment. To avoid this kind of trouble, you can publish the PowerPoint presentation with all the inserted files in one package.

Packing for CD

When you are done with the composition of the PowerPointpresentation, use the compiler built into the program. This will bring together all the files that are needed. At least, in the Windows version; PowerPoint for macOS does not support package presentation for CD.

Open in the tab File the option Export. Then choose the assignment Wrap presentation for CD. This may seem a bit odd, because you probably didn’t intend to burn your presentation to such an old-fashioned disc. But you should still follow this path, because the choice for the final storage medium is made later.

Even if you want to save the presentation on a USB stick, you still choose Pack for CD.


In the window Packing for CD give you in the field Name of the CD a title to the compilation. It is useful if you use the same name as the presentation here. By the way, the name in this box is limited to fifteen characters.

If you really want to burn the content to a CD, click the button Copy to CD. Your computer will ask to insert a blank disc into the writing drive and then the burning will start. If you want to view the compilation on another medium (external hard disk, other computer, memory stick), use the button Copy to folder. Browse to the location where you want to save the package and click OK.

In the next step you will be asked if you also want to copy all linked files. You have to confirm this, because this means that all necessary files are also integrated in the package and so you know that you can safely take the presentation with you.

Confirm that you want to save the linked files in the package.


The result is a folder with some files. After moving, you can start the presentation by clicking on the PowerPoint file (.pptx) in this folder.

The AUTORUN.INF file allows the presentation to start automatically when you insert the stick into a PC. For that you have to copy all files from this folder to a completely empty memory stick. Those files must be in the root directory of the stick (the highest in hierarchy, also called root), not in a sub-directory.

The folder contains the presentation, package, and an autorun file.

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