Tired of the standard Explorer (formerly known as Windows Explorer)? There is a group of users who prefer to use alternative file managers, such as Total Commander. Another Exploreralternative is XYplorer.

The program, of which a 30-day trial is available, offers more options than the built-in Explorer and is available for several Windows versions (including Windows 7 and Windows 10). XYplorer uses multiple tabs. This way you can open each folder in a separate tab and still work from one window.
xyplorer 2The tabs not only open each for its own folder, but also for searches. The approach provides a complete overview, but it comes across as slightly more complex than the streamlined one Explorer. You can improve this by grouping tabs and saving this selection, so that you can always retrieve it at a later time.

The environment offers a dark mode and also has a touchscreen mode, where the screen elements are magnified. For the more advanced user there is support for scripting, where you can automate frequently used tasks. Think of renaming a set of files in one go or automatically moving files to another location. We also find a mature amount of filter options (‘visual filters’), with which you can further adjust the file management to your liking. For example, you can create a filter that shows all files with the time they were last edited.

Product: XYplorer, xyplorer.com

3 and half stars

* multiple tabs in one window
* touchscreen mode
* make your own filters
* full user environment