The corona virus presents many companies with challenges - especially smaller companies fear for their existence. A baker shows how stressful the situation is...
Like bizarre spaceships, virus particles are on their way to new victims. (Image: wildpixel / iStock)
Coronavirus, flu and so on are living beings, many...
A vaccine against SARS-CoV-2 is searched worldwide (Image: chval / iStock)
While countries around the world are fighting Covid-19 and the further spread of the...
Resilience denotes and describes the ability to manage crises without causing psychological damage. We show you how you can strengthen your mental resilience. You...
(Photo:, Malkos)
Where people live together in the smallest of spaces, diseases can spread more easily. Thorough hygiene measures are important to slow down...
Because of the corona virus, schools in Germany remain closed - as well as cinemas, swimming pools, theaters and other leisure facilities. However, that's...