Windows has its own search engine built in, but many users find it rather clumsy and slow. Fluent Search turns out to be a tough alternative. We briefly introduce this app to you.
Step 1
You download the free app at, through Download / EXE Installer. Install the tool and launch it. The first time you can, among other things, set the theme and Send crash diagnostics on or off. The app is immediately active in the background and brings you up with Ctrl+Alt.
Step 2
As soon as you enter a search term, the results appear almost immediately. Depending on the file type, different actions become available, which you can also start with key combinations like Ctrl+1, Ctrl+2 and so forth. Use the spacebar to preview the file. Have you selected a file type, such as txt, and press tab, Fluent Search will only show those file types.
Step 3
Each item also gets some tags, such as traffic jam, txt and notepad, but you can also add your own tags via the plus button. You only have to click on such a tag to see all files with that same tag. If you want (the cursor) to quickly go to a certain place or your screen, press Ctrl+M, followed by the indicated letter combination.
Step 4
By the way, you don’t have to limit your search to your local storage space. It suffices Bing or google typing followed by TAB and your search term. Prefer a different search engine? Then click on the gear icon, go to Web, select custom Bee Default suggestion provider and enter the search url below. Don’t forget to also study the other settings.