WhatsApp will soon no longer be necessary and iOS 17.1.2 is coming (iPhone news #47)

Thanks to a new feature, WhatsApp will soon no longer be necessary and Apple is working on iOS 17.1.2. This was the most important Apple and iPhone news of the week!

The end of WhatsApp is near (and we are happy about that)

WhatsApp will soon no longer be necessary and iOS 17.1.2 is coming (iPhone news #47)

Good news if you prefer not to use WhatsApp, because texting from an iPhone to Android will be much better next year. Apple will switch to a new standard for sending messages between different operating systems in 2024. This new way of texting makes sending messages between iPhone and Android much easier.

→ Is WhatsApp becoming obsolete?

Apple is working on iOS 17.1.2 (with these bug fixes)

iOS 17.1.2

You can expect another update for your iPhone soon, because Apple is working on iOS 17.1.2. This is a minor update that mainly resolves problems in iOS 17. Many iPhone users still complain about internet problems, resulting in poor (mobile) coverage. This is what you need to know about the update!

→ Everything about iOS 17.1.2

People peeping on your iPhone: Apple is working on the solution

peeping people iphone

Maybe you know it: while you are WhatsApping with your friends on the train, you feel two piercing eyes looking over your shoulder. Do you also hate people peeking at your iPhone? Apple secretly too. In response, Apple said it takes these types of copycat actions seriously, no matter how rare. That is why the company is now working on a solution.

→ What is Apple planning?

This is what you need to do if your Apple Watch cannot fully charge

apple watch ultra optimized charging

You may have seen it before: when you put your Apple Watch on the charger overnight and check it the next day, it is not fully charged. This has to do with the ‘Optimized charging’ functions and the charging limit. But why is that actually? And how do you disable these functions?

→ This way your Apple Watch does charge

Evnia 49M2C8900: the ultimate ultrawide monitor for the Mac?

ultrawide mac monitor

When you want to buy a monitor for your MacBook, you quickly think of a Studio Display from Apple. But what if you want a wider screen? For example, an Ultra wide monitor for your Mac? But does that even work a little? We have tested the Evnia 49M2C8900 for you!

→ How good is the monitor?

‘AirPods Max 2 coming in 2024’ (and these are the expectations)

AirPods Max 2

The AirPods Max have been around for a few years and it’s high time for an update. There are rumors that we will see the AirPods Max 2 in 2024. According to rumors, Apple will introduce a new version of the AirPods Max at the end of 2024. We have listed all the new features for you.

→ This is what you can expect

Rumor: these features really make the iPhone 16 much better!

iPhone 16 features

It will still take a while before the iPhone 16 appears, but the first rumors are already emerging. We have collected all the rumors that have been circulating so far for you. It turns out that (coincidentally or not) the iPhone 16 will have no fewer than 16 new features. We have listed the most important ones for you.

→ 16 functions for the iPhone 16

New iPad Pro on the way with even larger screen (and new design)

ipad pro 2024 design

It has been a while since Apple released a new iPad, because the last new iPad was released in October 2022. Expectations are therefore high for 2024. The iPad Pro will reportedly have an updated design, with a much larger screen and thinner edges. Are you curious about the new iPad? These photos give you an idea of ​​the next iPad Pro.

→ Is this the iPad Pro 2024?

More iPhone news

  • WhatsApp will soon no longer be necessary and iOS 17.1.2 is coming (iPhone news #47)

  • The best iPhone wallpapers of the week (Wallpaper Weekly #47 2023)

  • ‘AirPods Max 2 coming in 2024’ (and these are the expectations)

  • Rumor: these features really make the iPhone 16 much better!

  • Action AirTag: this smart finder costs less than 5 euros!

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