Google Maps now helps you find a suitable charging station

‘No more fear of loading’

Google Maps now helps you find a suitable charging station

Do you use Google Maps to navigate and do you drive an electric car? Good news: Maps is getting a feature that Google says should put an end to charging anxiety.

Google occasionally comes up with useful new features for Maps. For example, there was recently the addition of the ‘greenest’ route, which shows you what the most energy-efficient route to a destination is. Handy to save some fuel (or electricity), although sometimes you have to be prepared to be on the road a little longer. Now it comes with a new function that should appeal to EV drivers. It expands the display of charging stations.

Where previously you could only see where a charging station is located, Google Maps will now let you know more about those stations. This way you can see at a glance whether your charging connection is available, but also whether charging is progressing at that post. Perhaps the most useful thing is that you can see when the post was last used. Not only do you see whether the pole is available at all, you also know to a certain extent whether it is a popular pole. According to Google, the update that includes this feature will be rolled out to Android and iOS this week.

– Thanks for information from

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