Health & Medicine

What to do with itch mites? Detection and prevention

Itch mites cause an uncomfortable itching and are highly contagious. In our guide you will find out how to recognize itch mites and what...

Distress and Eustress: These types of stress exist

Stress is divided into negative and positive stress: distress and eustress. We explain how you can differentiate between the two types of stress. Stress...

Fish oil: useful for omega-3 intake?

Fish oil capsules are among the most popular nutritional supplements, they contain valuable omega-3 fatty acids. But do you really need fish oil? Pretty...

Disinfect hands: this is how you do it correctly

How much disinfectant do you need to disinfect your hands and how long does it have to work? We show you here how to...

Which animals do most viruses share with us?

Dead bats on an Indonesian market. (Image: UC Davis) Whether Covid-19, influenza, plague or AIDS: almost two thirds of all infectious diseases in humans are...

Celebrate Easter together? Simulator shows how quickly Corona could spread

The sun is shining and the long Easter weekend is coming: the temptation to take a trip these days despite exit restrictions is increasing....

“We are only at the beginning”: chemist explains how long corona measures have to take

Exit restrictions and ban on contact: Because of the corona crisis, we have been in an emergency for several weeks. But how long should...

Full Fasting: The zero diet has these risks

Full fasting is still sometimes considered a weight loss strategy. Here you can find out what constitutes the zero diet and why it is...

Which cells the coronavirus affects

Which cells in the lungs and bronchi attack Sars-CoV-2? (Image: alex_mit / iStock) The main symptoms of Covid-19 are cough, fever and, above all, inflammation...

Milk thistle oil: effects and uses

Milk thistle oil can support the liver and supply the body with valuable vitamin E, according to studies. In our guide we will show...

The 12 biggest milk myths – and what’s really up

Milk: In the recent past, hardly any food has been caught in the crossfire of critics and supporters as much as the white drink....

Gray hair: 3 reasons why you shouldn’t dye it

Gray hair? No panic! You are fully in the trend of the new confident gray-haired. You don't need to hide the gray hair with...

Rubber gloves against Corona: doctor warns of “hygienic mess”

Washing hands is one of the most important measures to protect yourself against the coronavirus. But you cannot wash your hands all the time,...

“Hygienic mess”: Doctor warns of rubber gloves

Washing hands is one of the most important measures to protect yourself against the coronavirus. But you cannot wash your hands all the time,...

Coronavirus: new target identified

CR3022 antibody bound to the Sars-CoV-2 spike protein. (Image: Meng Yuan and Nicholas Wu) It has long been known that the new Sars-CoV-2 coronavirus binds...

Digestive problems: home remedies, tips and possible causes

Digestive problems cause pain and discomfort and can severely limit us in everyday life. How they are caused and what you can do about...

3-second rule: is it really correct?

The 3-second rule is well known and is used by many for orientation when their food falls on the floor. You can find out...

Wim Hof ​​method: that’s behind the trend

The Wim Hof ​​method - this combination of words is heard and read over and over again. It promises numerous positive effects on body...

Corona virus also goes to the heart

Sars-CoV-2 corona viruses (Image: Maksim Tkachenko / iStock) So far, the main focus of Covid-19 has been on the respiratory and lung symptoms, but the...

Sophrology: that is behind the healing method

Sophrology is a healing method that is supposed to help you with physical or psychological suffering. She wants to balance body, mind and soul...

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