This is how you reset your network


When you are experiencing network problems in Windows 10 that you cannot solve with the best will in the world, there is one last resort. Let Windows 10 return the network configuration to the default settings. This way you can reset your network.

Troubleshooter first

For example, has something gone wrong with various vpn tunnel software you have installed on your PC and your Windows 10 PC is refusing to connect to the internet? Then you should not immediately resort to the heavy means. Try doing the basic repairs first. Windows has quite an arsenal of troubleshooters to diagnose and fix quickly.

Most troubleshooters are in the Settings. Open there Update and secure and then you will see the button in the left bar Resolving problems. Try the first Recommended troubleshooting. After that you can click the button Additional problem solvers and then you come across a whole fleet of assistants for typical issues with audio playback, internet connections, printer usage, Windows updates, record audio and much more. In this example, you choose Internet connections and you start the troubleshooter. Most troubleshooters will do their thing automatically, but some will require you to choose from the suggested solutions.

Windows 10 has a specific Internet troubleshooter.

Clean ship

If this does not give the desired result, you can clean up with all the current network settings. It then seems as if the computer has just arrived from the store. Go to Windows Settings via Windows key + I and click Network and internet. Select the option in the left column Status and there you will find the link Network reset. This will cause Windows to remove and reinstall all network adapters. The original network components are also returned to the factory settings. That means that all components for vpn software that you have ever installed will be removed.

At the bottom is the button to reset the network settings.

Check first then reinstall

The screen Network reset warns about what will happen if you proceed and also tells you that the system will be rebooted. Continue and your PC will automatically disconnect from Wi-Fi or Ethernet. You will get the message that you will be logged out and after about five minutes the PC will reboot itself once to complete the network reset. After that, Windows will help you with the setting up your network. Do not immediately install all kinds of third-party software, but first check the network configuration for the basic functions.

Windows points out the consequences of the reset.

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